National Playlist Day: Create the Soundtrack of Your Life

Today is #NationalPlaylistDay.

Playlists of personally meaningful music can improve the lives of those living with dementia, their families and carers.

What songs make up the soundtrack of your life?

Looking for inspiration on what music to add to the soundtrack of your life this #NationalPlaylistDay?

Have a read of the prompts below that can help you think about the songs that have soundtracked your personal story:

👩‍👧 Songs from your childhood

👯‍♀️ Songs that remind you of friends

😃 Songs that make you feel happy

💃Songs that you danced to at school discos

🙌 Songs that are linked to your faith

🏅 Songs that are associated with your sports team

📺 Songs from your favourite films and TV shows

Create your playlist today.

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Edinburgh reporter and photographer