ONLY 38% of Type 1 diabetics in NHS Lothian have aces to a Flash Glucose Monitor, compared to 51.8% across Scotland – and only a quarter of paediatric patients in NHS Lothian have access to a Flash Glucose Monitor compared with 35.5% across Scotland.

Commenting on the figures, Lothian MSP, Miles Briggs, said: ““Diabetes patients in NHS Lothian are simply not getting the same level of treatment that they would be if they lived in other parts of Scotland.
“We know that this technology is really significant for a person’s quality of life and we need to improve access to Flash Glucose Monitors across the health board.
“Children in particular are not receiving the same level of care as they would get in other parts of Scotland.
“Years of underfunding of the health boards by SNP Minister has led to a position were NHS Lothian are cutting services that they do not want to cut.
“We need to see a review of the wording to treatment guarantees in Scotland.
“Flash Glucose Monitors count as equipment, rather than medicine, which mean that diabetes patients are not automatically entitled to the technology.”