Scottish Conservative and Unionist MSP for Lothian Miles Briggs has criticised the Scottish government on what he calls its ‘shameful’ record regarding the reduction of specialist music teachers in primary schools across Scotland.
It comes following a question asked by Mr. Briggs in the Scottish Parliament on Thursday afternoon about the impact on children and young people of the decline.
In Lothian local authorities, there are 4 teachers in Edinburgh City and 2 in West Lothian, while East Lothian and Midlothian have none between them.
In 2013, there were 5 in Edinburgh City, 5 in West Lothian and 0 in both East Lothian and Midlothian.
There are only 37 teachers for 32 local authorities in Scotland, down from 98 in 2008 – the first year in which the SNP was in power in Scotland – and down from 108 in 2011, when the SNP formed a majority government.
The reduction in specialist music teachers at primary schools threatens to extend the gap in opportunities between state and private education.
Mr. Briggs called on the Scottish government to put aside its pursuit of independence and focus on more pressing matters.
Lothian MSP Mr. Briggs said: “This is another example of the SNP government’s mismanagement of a sector, this time regarding specialist music teachers in primary schools.
“For a country with such a rich musical tradition as Scotland to have just 37 specialist music teachers for primary schools across the country is shameful and something the Scottish government should be embarrassed about.
“In my own region of Lothian, there are just 6 – down from 10 a decade ago – and with none in East Lothian or Midlothian at all.
“No doubt, however, the SNP’s spin doctors will be pinning the blame on Westminster and informing us of how an independent Scotland would be the sound of music.
“They have let down the country, they have let down the voters, and now they have let down the children.
“Young people and children are the ones that will suffer from this continued reduction in specialist teachers and it is high time the SNP focused on the proper demands of the country and stopped prioritising their independence dream.”