A call for views on the Scottish Government’s proposals for National Outcomes has been launched.
The Scottish Parliament’s Finance and Public Administration Committee will lead Holyrood’s committees in scrutinising the proposed new and revised measures under the National Performance Framework.
Views are being sought from across the public sector, from businesses, the voluntary sector and from communities.
The deadline for submitting views is 28 June 2024.

Finance and Public Administration Committee Convener Kenneth Gibson said: “The Scottish Government must, by law, review the National Outcomes for Scotland at least every five years.
“Earlier this month the government published its proposals for new and revised National Outcomes.
“Our committee will lead the Parliament’s scrutiny of the new proposals and, working with other Committees, consider whether the proposed National Outcomes are the right ones for Scotland, and whether the Government should make any other changes.
“Our Committee, along with others, will also examine whether the 13 proposed Outcomes will lead to better lives for the people of Scotland, as intended by the Scottish Government.”
Call for Views
The committee’s call for views asks nine questions about the proposed National Outcomes.
Views can be submitted here: National Performance Framework: Inquiry into proposed National Outcomes

National Performance Framework
The Scottish Government explains that the National Performance Framework is Scotland’s wellbeing framework.
The National Performance Framework aims to get everyone in Scotland to work together to deliver on the National Outcomes. This includes:
- national and local government
- public and private sectors
- voluntary organisations
- businesses and
- communities.
What are National outcomes?
The Government explains that National Outcomes are part of the NPF and are the broad policy aims which, with the NPF, describe the kind of Scotland “in which we all want to live”.
The Scottish Parliament must be consulted on proposed National Outcomes and also considers the consultation the Government has carried out.
The Scottish Government’s Report on proposed National Outcomes and its consultation was published on 1 May 2024.
Committee Scrutiny
The Finance and Public Administration Committee is leading consideration of the proposed National Outcomes, although some other Committees will wish to consider evidence in their areas of interest. There is one consultation for all Committees which seeks views on the Government’s proposed National Outcomes.
What happens next?
Once the consultation has closed, the responses will be analysed, and that analysis will be sent to the relevant Committee to consider.
It will be for each Committee to consider what action they may wish to take, including whether to publish their views in a letter or a report to Parliament.