Edinburgh School Uniform Bank: Christmas reflections

This year, we provided 1,369 packs of brand new uniform as well as reaching an additional 1,000 children and young people by establishing school and community partnerships across the city.

As we take a break for Christmas we want to thank everyone who supports our work:

⭐️ Our fabulous team of volunteers, they work so hard

⭐️ Clare and Siobhan, our operations team – they make it all happen

⭐️The Trustees, the service would not run without the work you do quietly in the background.

⭐️ Our supporters for their donations of uniform, funds and kind words that really keep us going

⭐️ The local businesses that host our drop off points

⭐️ The professionals out in the community working with families and ESUB to make sure children have what they need

⭐️ Our funding partners who help us pay the bills

Thank you for giving children a chance to walk into school with their heads held high, ready to learn and play.

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Edinburgh reporter and photographer