Healthcare Improvement Scotland has published a report relating to an unannounced follow-up inspection visit to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, NHS Lothian. The inspection took place in September 2023.
The purpose of the follow-up inspection was to assess progress and provide assurance on NHS Lothian’s improvement actions in response to serious patient safety concerns that were identified and escalated during a previous inspection of the hospital in February 2023.
To provide assurance of improvement following the concerns previously identified, the main focus of the follow-up inspection was the emergency department. Inspectors also visited a number of wards and the medical assessment unit.

Donna Maclean, Chief Inspector, Healthcare Improvement Scotland, said: ““Serious concerns raised in our previous inspection related specifically to the safe delivery of care and to potential patient safety risks. During this follow-up inspection we observed that considerable progress has been made in responding to these concerns.
“The delivery of fundamental care has improved with the addition of care and mealtime coordinators in the emergency department. Improvements have also been achieved in supporting patient care, dignity and leadership and in the coordination of care within the department.
“Implementation of a new continuous flow model has improved the flow of patients through the hospital during weekdays. However, further work is needed to support the timely flow of patients from the emergency department to an appropriate care area out of hours and at weekends.”
Six of the previous 13 requirements have now been met and progress has been made with four requirements, with further work to be undertaken.

Three requirements have not been met. These include hand hygiene, the use of personal protective equipment and the management of intravenous fluids.
One new additional requirement has been added with regard to the safe management of cleaning products. One new recommendation has been added in relation to the timeframes for the completion of significant adverse event reviews.
An improvement action plan has been developed by NHS Lothian in order to meet the requirements.
The full inspection report is available to view at:
Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh (healthcareimprovementscotland.org)