Welcome to your December Newsletter

Lottery Funding for Greening the Heart
We are thrilled to announce that we have received just over £7,000 from the National Lottery towards the greening of the Heart grounds.
The aim is to bring together people of all ages and from all walks of life to help not only with the greening work itself, but also to improve their own physical and mental wellbeing by being involved in the creation of a green and welcoming space.
Not only will the space look more attractive to visitors and local residents alike, but all the new planting will contribute to the “green lungs” of the city.
The first stage of the project, beginning on 1st March, engagement, gardening and landscaping opportunities as well as harvesting produce for use in the community teaching kitchen, is expected to last one year, but we have loads of plans for future improvements, which would involve more trees and reducing the amount of hard playground surfacing.
Watch this green space!
And if you’d like to get involved, contact lucymetcalfe@msn.com
More good news on the conservation works on the Victoria Building
As we have previously reported, funding has been awarded to us over the past year for significant conservation repairs to the Grade B Listed Victoria Building. As good stewards, we have prioritised some of the more urgent repairs to the stonework, roof, rainwater goods and windows and having tendered the project, we hope to start Phase 1 of the works in the New Year. So watch out for the scaffolding going up and the work beginning.
Of course we’re always on the lookout for more funding, or sponsorship, so spread the word, or if you can help our Operations Group with managing the upkeep or health and safety of the Heart, please get in touch as we would love to hear from you.
On the warm front…
Recent visitors may well have noticed a welcome rise in temperature inside the Victoria Building, especially with the cold weather outside. Repairs have been successfully carried out on the boiler which had originally been installed in 1983 and we are now feeling much warmer as we go about our work. We were even able to find the original engineer who installed the old machine and he was more than happy to come and look after it for us. Enjoy the warmth!
The Heart’s Christmas tree project

What would Christmas be without a tree? You may have heard that at the Heart we are planning to knit next year’s Christmas Tree!
The year-long project was unofficially launched this month (watch out for the official launch in January) as we decorated the Heart for this Christmas.
The idea came originally from a tree that was knitted in Norwich in 2012 and was displayed in prominent buildings to raise funds for Livability, a charity which cared for people in John Grooms Court in Norwich. Such was the success of the tree that they achieved enough money to provide a second lift for the building as well as an extension.
Now the Heart of Newhaven also needs a lift to provide access to the upper floors of the Victoria building, but we will similarly be partnering with local charities and are beginning with the announcement that Homestart, which helps families give children a good start in life will be one of our beneficiaries.
More will be announced in due course.
We’re going to need at least 5000 six-inch squares knitted or crocheted in any shade of green, as well as colourful decorations and adornments for the tree.
You have twelve months to get knitting, so don’t say we haven’t given you enough warning!
Contact norma.johnston@heartofnewhaven.co.uk for more information.
Coming up soon
Norma’s knitting and natter

Talking of knitting, there are three new knit and natter groups starting at the Heart next month from 9th January.
Bring your own knitting or crochet, or join in with the Heart of Newhaven’s exciting new project to knit the 16ft Christmas tree to go on display next year and raise money for our chosen projects. We’ll give you more details next month.

Contact norma.johnston@heartofnewhaven.co.uk if you’d like to be part of this exciting project!
The groups will meet on Tuesdays at 7.15 till 8.30 pm, Wednesdays from 9.30 till 12 noon and Saturdays from 9.30 till 12noon.
Start of regular Heart talks in January.
From local archaeology discoveries to water purity, from Newhaven witches to how to look after your own heart, watch out for an announcement on a new seasonal series of talks at the Heart. We’re creating a schedule of what we hope will be interesting talks which will take place on Friday afternoons in the spring beginning on the 26th January. Come and be enlightened and entertained. More news to follow.
The next reminiscence sessions with our trained volunteers will be taking place on 21st December and 17th January, 10.30 – 11.30, and will then move to a regular day each month. Watch this space for further details.
Thinking of running away to the circus?
Why not try out some practice sessions first?
The Kids Circus (thinkcircus.co.uk) has found a new home at the Heart, so young people between the ages of 5-8 and 8-11are invited to explore the world of juggling, hula hoop, poi, flower sticks, plate spinning and many other tricks while developing their balance, coordination and confidence.
We now have two Youth Circus Clubs, Teen Circus, running every Tuesday and Friday at the Heart: bookwhen.com/thinkcircus Further classes soon.
Looking back
Remembrance weekend

Two events were held on both the Friday 10th Saturday 11th November
Fair Saturday

Back on the 25th November we got together to celebrate community and culture.
Interested in caring for old heritage buildings?
Lastly, join us in creating a safe, welcoming hub for the whole community. We’re always on the look-out for new trustees and consultants, but we’d like to extend a special welcome to anyone who is interested in the maintenance in an old heritage site such as the Victoria Building.

It has so many special needs and with frequent changes in legislation, we could do with an extra pair of hands for advice or practical help.
If you have even one hour a week to spare and you could walk around the site and lend a hand on health & safety issues, please contact linsay.miller@heartofnewhaven.co.uk.
This might suit anyone from a retired surveyor to a student studying estate maintenance, so come and talk to us if you think you could help.
Finally may we wish everyone a happy festive season and a very Guid New Year!
Make some New Year resolutions and join us in January.