Canonmills is set for further residential expansion with the submission of plans to redevelop a light industrial unit at 26 Dunedin Street into student housing.
Complementing recent proposals to replace Beaverhall House and erect further student accommodation across the street, the scheme supplants an initial build-to-rent proposal with 73 student rooms.
Again led by O’DonnellBrown and HUB the latest plans call for more urban massing to frame the street with ground floor amenities, with gridded accommodation arranged around a central core.
A landscaped amenity space is proposed on a set-back upper floor with the front door recessed behind a landscaped frontage to sit better within the local context.

Specifying a mix of ‘earthy’ brick and metal cladding to reference the previously industrial character of Canonmills the project includes a landscape plan developed by MRG Studio that includes planting along Dunedin Street and Beaverhall, leading to a hard landscaped ‘makers yard’ to the east.
In a planning statement, the architects wrote: “The changing local context provides an opportunity to create and reinforce meaningful connections and new focal points.
“Alongside the proposed Beaverhall House scheme to the east, 26 Dunedin Street has the opportunity to contribute to the changing character of the Beaverhall / Dunedin Street junction, establishing a new key node in the city.”

Studio apartments range from standard 22.3sq/m to larger accessible rooms of 27.2sq/m.
There is 3 serious problems in this
1. Council tax on commercial lets for ‘students’ who are using council services free-of-charge
2. developments are destroying Edinburgh original architecture and character
3. VAT on ‘restoration’ combined with zero-VAT on newbuild is Unfair.