Supporting access to online services

Projects across Scotland have been awarded funding as part of the Scottish Government’s Digital Inclusion Programme aimed at helping people to access online support services, initially in mental health and housing services.
The thirteen projects, which bid to be one of the ‘Digital Pioneers’, will develop, test and implement programmes to help people access the services they need online to support their health and wellbeing.
The £600,000 first phase of the programme is being delivered in partnership with the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations. It will benefit more than 1,500 people by building skills and confidence, as well as devices to support access to digital services in mental health and housing.
It is expected that following the programme, which will run for two years, a shared understanding and learning of how best to support digital inclusion in mental health and housing will be created.

Cabinet Secretary for NHS Recovery, Health and Social Care, Michael Matheson said: “Supporting people to feel more digitally confident so they can access the services they need online is absolutely vital and it is one of our long-standing commitments.
“This programme will see models tested that will help so many people gain the skills they need to improve their own health and know how to access the support that is available to them.”
The Digital Inclusion Programme launched in March 2023, is led by the Digital Health and Care directorate and delivered in partnership with the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations and Connecting Scotland.
The programme, backed by £2 million of funding, focuses on two areas: digital inclusion in Mental Health (supporting people with a mental health condition (s)) and digital inclusion in Housing (supporting customers or tenants in social housing, the private rented sector or owner-occupied housing who are most at risk of digital exclusion).
List of organisations awarded funding with overview of their project:
Organisation | Amount | Project Overview | Anticipated number of direct beneficiaries |
Aberdeen Foyer | £54,867 | Aberdeen Foyers Housing Digital Support project will work with young people in Aberdeenshire at risk of experiencing homelessness. Funding will allow them to expand their current services to provide devices, connectivity and digital inclusion support to improve access to supports and services and to reduce isolation. The project will support 22 staff and volunteers and 75 young people. | 75 |
Blackwood Homes and Care | £55,000 | Blackwoods Digital Buddies project will work with older people in supported living accomodation, in rural areas in Scotland. Funding will allow them to expand their current digital inclusion model across newly acquired supported living accomodation. The project will provide digital training to upskill 76 staff and volunteers and provide connectivity, devices and digital skills support to 130 older residents. | 130 |
Simon Community Scotland | £54,982 | Simon Community Scotland’s Get Connected Housing project will work with people experiencing homelessness. Funding will allow them to embed their existing digital inclusion approach within their Housing First & Housing Support Services within Edinburgh. The project will provide devices, connectivity and one to one digital support to work with people transitioning from homelessness and temporary accommodation to sustained tenancies. The project will work with 65 staff and 130 participants to build digital skills and confidence and improve access to services. | 130 |
Prospect Community Housing Limited | £31,310 | Prospect Community Housing’s Link Up project works with people with a disability or long term health condition in Wester Hailes. Funding will allow them to continue to work in partnership with WHALE arts to deliver digital drop-ins and one to one support to improve digital skills and confidence. The project will support 5 staff and volunteers and 70 participants. | 70 |
Shettleston Housing Association Limited | £54,980 | Shettleston Housing Association’s Shettleston Does Digital project works with older adults who are not in work or are retired. Funding will allow them to expand their existing digital inclusion work in partnership with Fuse Youth Cafe to deliver digital drop-ins and digital skills training to improve digital confidence and increase access to services and support. The project will work with 10 staff and volunteers and 160 participants | 160 |
Link living | £50,268 | Link Living’s Digital support service supports young people and people with moderate to severe mental health conditions across Edinburgh to improve digital skills. Funding will allow them to continue delivery of their Digital Support Service providing connectivity, devices and one to one support to improve digital skills and confidence. The project will support 1 staff member and 130 participants | 130 |
Queens Cross Housing Association Limited | £42,753 | Queens Cross Housing Association’s Digital Spaces in Community Places works with mutiple digitally excluded groups across communities in Glasgow. Funding will allow them to continue delivering digital sessions inlcuding coding for young people, digital cafes for older people and structured course content across 4 community facilities in Glasgow.The project will work with 50 staff and volunteers and 190 participants to build digital skills, confidence and increase access to support services. | 190 |
Carr Gomm | £54,677 | Carr Gomm’s Connected Lives project builds on the learning from their previous Digital Inclusion Research Project (DIRP). Funding will allow them to expand their digital inclusion support across Glasgow’s Integrated Services and enhance support through establishing a safe, online peer network to facilitate improved wellbeing through meaningful community connections. The project will support 40 staff and 60 service users to build their digital skills and confidence. | 60 |
Saheliya | £54,773 | Saheliya Digital Pioneers project works with marginalised New Scots women in Edinburgh and Glasgow to increase their digital skills and confidence. Funding will allow them to continue to deliver digital inclusion and language sessions to improve skills and confidence to access further supports and services to improve mental health and wellbeing. The project will support will support 10 staff and 72 New Scots women. | 72 |
Moray Wellbeing Hub | £54,982 | Moray Wellbeing Hub’s Digital Mental Health Capacity Building project aims to establish a digital mental health hub in to improve digital skills and access to services in Moray. Funding will allow them to build on current work with Health and Social Care Partnership Moray to offer online and in person digital support to improve digital skills and confidence and social connections. The project will work with 30 staff and 300 participants to reduce digital exclusion. | 300 |
Scottish Association for Mental Health | £51,270 | The Scottish Association for Mental Health’s Enduring Digital Accessibility project works with people in supported living settings to enhance their digital skills and confidence. Funding will allow them to expand and formalise their existing digital inclusion activities in Edinburgh, Perth and Glasgow and increase access to online supports and services. The project will also enhance staff and participants access with their care management system to improve peoples engagement within their individual care plans. The project will support 25 staff and 100 people in supported living settings. | 100 |
Cyrenians | £36,244 | Cyrenians Digital Inclusion project works with people facing long term unemployment, transitioning from hospital care and living in residential care. Funding will allow them to expand their current digital inclusion activities and provide a digital hub at their Farm, one to one support and indepth digital skills support in Edinburgh and West Lothian. The project will support 37 people. | 37 |
Just Bee Productions | £54,229 | Just Bee’s Just Breath project works with people to reduce mental health inequalities, assessments and waiting times to access services. Funding will allow them to deliver a variety of digital inclusion activities with people in crisis to improve their digital skills and confidence to access services and supports to support their mental Health. The project will support 4 staff and 80 participants experiencing moderate to severe mental health conditions. |