Have you ever considered improving the security of your vehicle?
Sometimes simply locking it is not enough.
The list below provides a range of options which will make stealing your vehicle more difficult, especially if several are combined together!
• Check vehicle doors are locked before walking away.
• Do not store keys near windows or doors.
• Keep your key device in a ‘Faraday pouch’ which prevents it receiving or transmitting radio signals.
• If you buy a second-hand keyless car, get the key reprogrammed.
• Make sure the key and any spares are stored securely and safely.
• Consider having an On-Board Diagnostic port (OBD) lock professionally fitted/ask at a main dealership.
• Use a steering wheel lock.
• Fit a pedal box, which encases the driving pedals in a high visibility secure box.
Please report any suspicious behaviour or incidents to Police on 101 or 999.