Regeneration: Planning application submitted for Art Works in Granton

National Galleries of Scotland submits full planning application for transformational major development in North Edinburgh

National Galleries of Scotland has submitted ambitious plans to construct a new collection storage, conservation, community space and research facility for the national collection of art in Granton,

The Art Works will allow everyone to explore, discover, and engage with Scotland’s national art collection. The historic collection of the Royal Scottish Academy will also be housed in the new building along with the home of the Demarco Archive. 

The Art Works will offer an additional 11,000m² of quality space – the equivalent of two playing fields – to make the collection more accessible to the public than ever before.  Alongside a vastly improved digital offering, the purpose-built facility will deliver a modern environment in which members of the public, colleagues, students and researchers can engage with the works stored there. 

Much more than a world-class building to care for Scotland’s national art collection, The Art Works will be created with the needs of the local community at its heart. Inside there will be spaces for public use, including social areas and amenities for visitors’ comfort and enjoyment, including a community studio, community support space, further education rooms and a Changing Places toilet, as well as collection viewing rooms and study spaces.

Outside there will be opportunities for activity areas and bringing the environment to life, including new green routes through to the Waterfront. Several projects with local partners are underway, with completed projects including a collaboration with local charities and social enterprises to make 1000 art-themed face coverings for local people and visits for nursery groups to enjoy the community orchard which is currently on part of the site. 

Located at the heart of one of Scotland’s most diverse yet socioeconomically deprived areas, the facility sits at the heart of the Granton Waterfront regeneration area and will make a significant contribution to the regeneration process. It will seek to be inclusive, connecting to other facilities and partners in the area both physically and visually. 

Sustainability is central to the National Gallery of Scotland’s vision for The Art Works. The plans include sustainable building practices which minimise energy impact and provide quality of life opportunities for the local community.

As the country’s largest building designed to the Passivhaus standard, it will go beyond what is required by the Scottish Building Standards. 

Previously known as the National Collection Facility, proposals for a building of this kind have been in the early stages of concept development since 2015.

Now known as The Art Works, the project aims to bring Scotland’s vast and extraordinary national art collection into a single, future-proofed location. Prior to and following submission of the Proposal of Application Notice in May 2022, the National Galleries of Scotland, and their consultant design team, worked closely with the local community, key stakeholders and the planning authority to prepare the planning submission. 

The collection is currently stored across several sites where access and space are extremely limited, logistics are difficult, and conditions are suboptimal for enabling the full potential for public access, conservation and research to be realised. It also means it can be challenging for works to be made available for display and loan.

The Art Works will be instrumental in addressing these issues, enabling much greater access to and engagement with Scotland’s incredible collection of art treasures and safeguarding the future of this publicly owned, renowned national collection. 

Sir John Leighton, Director-General of the National Galleries of Scotland said: ‘National Galleries of Scotland is happy to now be able to submit a full planning application following extensive consultation with the communities of North Edinburgh.

“This is an incredibly exciting moment in the realisation of The Art Works project. This entirely new facility will provide state-of-the- art spaces for the management and distribution of Scotland’s art, deliver world-class services for staff, researchers and visitors and provide a significant, long-term contribution to benefit and enhance the local community for years to come.’ 

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