Nearly a quarter of people living in Edinburgh can’t name a single symptom of bowel cancer

A new survey by Bowel Cancer UK, of 101 adults living in Edinburgh, has revealed that nearly a quarter of people (24%) can’t name a single symptom of bowel cancer. The disease is the UK’s second biggest cancer killer, but nearly three quarters of people (72%) aren’t aware of this fact.

The YouGov results are published ahead of Bowel Cancer Awareness Month this April, as part of Bowel Cancer UK’s new campaign helping people to #KnowTheHigh5 symptoms of bowel cancer. The campaign is being launched with the support of BBC Radio 1 DJ Adele Roberts, who was diagnosed with the disease in October 2021, and her partner Kate Holderness.

One of the key ‘red flag’ bowel cancer symptoms is blood in your poo but only just over half of people (52%) living in Edinburgh were able to name it.

The other four main symptoms, experienced by many who go on to be diagnosed with the disease, have an alarmingly low rate of awareness based on those people could name:

·        Change in bowel habits (13%)

·        Pain in tummy (17%)

·        Weight loss (13%)

·        Tiredness/fatigue (6%)

Even more concerning is that more than six in 10 people (62%) across Edinburgh said if they experienced a change in bowel habit like diarrhoea or constipation that didn’t clear up, or saw bleeding from their bottom, something would stop them from contacting their doctor.

Their reasons included difficulties getting an appointment (29%), being too embarrassed (12%) or being too afraid that it could be something serious (8%).

BBC Radio 1 DJ Adele Roberts, who was diagnosed with stage 2 bowel cancer in October 2021, says: “It took me a while to pluck up the courage to call my GP at first. My symptoms seemed like things I could explain away. I didn’t want to be a burden to the NHS and I was embarrassed.

“I shouldn’t have worried. My GP took my concerns seriously, put me at ease and also offered me a home testing kit. This meant I was able to do the test in the comfort of my own home. Soon after I was diagnosed with stage 2 bowel cancer, which was very nearly developing into stage 3.

“Getting the help I needed in time helped save my life. If you’re worried please speak to someone, early detection saves lives and it helped save mine.” 

Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care – and now First Minister-elect – Humza Yousaf said: “The Scottish Government launched a new campaign earlier this month to reduce fear of cancer and encourage those with possible symptoms to ‘be the early bird’. As part of this, a roadshow is visiting areas of deprivation across Scotland to raise awareness of symptoms, including bowel cancer.

“The NHS is under significant pressure but diagnosing cancer earlier remains a priority. If anybody is worried about any symptoms highlighted through this research, or any other persistent changes unusual for them, they shouldn’t delay contacting their GP practice – they want to hear from you.” 

Genevieve Edwards, Chief Executive of Bowel Cancer UK, says: “It’s concerning that people aren’t aware of the symptoms of the UK’s second biggest cancer killer.

“Someone dies from the disease every 30 minutes in the UK, which means that in the time it takes to watch an episode of your favourite soap, one family will lose a loved one to bowel cancer. 

“But it doesn’t have to be this way as it is treatable and curable, especially when diagnosed early. That’s why this Bowel Cancer Awareness Month we’re launching a new campaign to raise awareness of the five red flag symptoms of the disease and asking people to take our #KnowTheHigh5 quiz.  

 “By going to straight to your GP if you spot any symptoms, or if something just doesn’t feel right, it’s possible to rule out the disease first and fast. They will want to see you and may ask you to do a test at home to help decide whether your symptoms need further investigation. Get to know the symptoms of bowel cancer, tell your friends and family about them – it really could save your life.” 

Bowel Cancer UK is launching a new campaign for Bowel Cancer Awareness Month helping people to #KnowTheHigh5 symptoms of bowel cancer.

People can take the symptoms quiz and share it with others – plus everyone who takes the quiz can enter a free prize draw with five chances to win a year’s supply of Andrex® toilet roll.

Take the symptoms quiz today:

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