Happy New Year and Welcome to your January newsletter
We’d like to start this month’s newsletter with a little boasting:
“We just celebrated our daughter’s first birthday at the Heart of Newhaven! What a joy!
‘The hall was perfect and the team (particularly Kim) couldn’t have been more helpful and accommodating. The building is historic and quirky and we are so privileged to be able to use the facility in our community. If you’re looking for a quaint and wholesome venue to celebrate, the Heart of Newhaven is the perfect spot.”
That is a genuine review left on Google after a successful event held at the Heart. Why not consider it for your special event? Book here
There are also several regular classes now being held in the Heart. We have Zayna Dance Academy who are running nursery ballet and jazz, jazz and musical theatre classes for ages 5-8 and 8-11, and also some classes for adults. For more info contact zaynadanceacademy@gmail.com or Whatsapp: 07487450778.
If you have young children or are expecting, you might be interested in the regular Pregnancy Cafe events, run by Stepping Stones North Edinburgh. Check out their website at Home – Stepping Stones North Edinburgh
If you enjoy singing, then there is also Newhaven Community Choir – who practise in the Heart every week.
Some of our tenants are now up and operating as well. Our very own potter, Borja Moronta is beavering away in his top floor studio getting ready for a special exhibition (check out his own website at borjamoronta.com), and the History of Education Centre on the first floor is taking bookings for visits to their newly refurbished Victorian Schoolroom (check their website at histedcentre.org.uk).
Their very first visitors came this month, of course, from Victoria Primary School, who were thrilled to be back on home turf and amazed at the changes that had been made since they left.

There is also a drop-in hand-sewing group being started by Lorna at Ink on Mesh. This is in association with the ‘Stitch an Acorn’ Campaign for Louise Gardiner’s Cape of Courage exhibition at Marchmont House, Duns, later this year.
The sessions will take place at the Heart on Tuesdays from Tuesday 7th February until Tuesday March 28th, 6.15pm – 8.15pm. Just come to the main door.
You can find out more about the project here:
Lorna is also on the look-out for spare material scraps, sewing kit of any kind or even sewing machines that can be reused, repurposed and re-loved. If you have any such donations, please drop them off at the Heart for her attention or contact her on blessedunrest@aasfour601983
Repair Café
Saturday 28th January, 10am-1pm
At The Men of Leith Men’s Shed, Creel Building, Heart of Newhaven Community
Something broken? Why not bring it along to our Repair Café where our volunteers will help you to attempt a repair. The event is free; our goals are to help people to learn repair skills and to save waste and cost.
We can look at any small objects including small electrical items, toys, small furniture, ornaments, indeed anything you value which is broken – come along and give us a challenge!
We’re about to start a new venture at the Heart as well.
The Warm & Welcoming events on Wednesday and Saturday mornings 9 -12 , beginning Wednesday 1st February, will be open with tea, coffee and at very least biscuits. We will be hosting several pop-up events staffed by our partners and Heart residents. Just turn up, have a cuppa and meet them.
ACE IT will be running 1:1 advice if you need support with your laptop, phone or tablet: use the free Wifi and get any problems sorted out.
You will also be able to find out more about what’s happening the Heart in the coming months.

Now back to more mundane but very important matters.
We’re currently hiring.
We’re looking for a part-time Buildings Maintenance Officer.
If you’re interested in being part of our small but very important team, read more about it on the website and if you’d like to apply, please send a copy of your CV, a supporting statement describing how you meet the person specification, and a short covering letter to anna.brown@heartofnewhaven.co.uk.
We’re also looking for more volunteers to help with specific tasks.
We need volunteers to help at reception on Wednesday and Saturday mornings when we will be holding our multi-purpose Warm & Welcoming events.
We’d also like to hear from anyone with event organising and/or community fund raising experience.
If you’d like to volunteer in any of those areas, then contact us via the volunteer form on the website.
Finally, make a date to come and visit the Heart on the evening of Thursday 23rd February when we will be holding our second Coorie-In from 7 till 8.30 pm.
Come and meet some of our tenants and partners and see what the Heart has to offer.
More details in the next Newsletter.