December Newsletter
Welcome to your December Newsletter and Season’s Greetings from the Heart

It’s been a memorable year, has it not, and just look where we are now: the community is finally installed in the Heart, which is going from strength to strength; members of the community have been welcomed in to the first events as work progresses towards opening the whole site; several community groups are holding regular sessions at the Heart, while tenants and partners continue to prepare their various premises.
Coorie-In for winter

We held our Coorie-In event on Saturday 26th November, attended by around 300 people keen to see what was happening. Various partners and users took the opportunity to let people see what to expect as we move forward and the afternoon was voted a great success.

Asked what they had enjoyed about the event, a common answer was “Everything!” Particularly noted was the warm welcome, the variety of workshops and people, the Ukranian crafts, the Victorian Schoolroom and the heritage displays. One special reply was this: Seeing the school “come alive” with voices of all ages. On the negative side, several people felt there should have been more signage, so we’ll work on that for next time.
And talking about the next time, watch out for our next such event, already in the diary for Thursday 23rd February, to be held in the evening this time, from 7- 8.30pm.
Trained Heart reminiscence volunteers were among the groups taking part in the Coorie-In and were kept busy all afternoon.
They hope to organise regular reminiscence events once the building is up and running and the stories and memories shared at these events will eventually be shared with the whole community.

In the meantime, they are happy to go out into the community and gather memories that way.
If you’d like to get involved, contact
Volunteer Information session
Before the Coorie-In, those who had signed up to volunteer had been invited to an introductory event on Saturday November 19th. It was the Heart’s first volunteer information session and had a tremendous turn out.
Prospective volunteers were given a tour around the building and a presentation on upcoming volunteer opportunities. It was a great opportunity for like-minded people to come together and there was a lot of friendly chat over a bowl of hot soup.
We hope to run these sessions regularly, so please register your interest by completing the volunteer form on the website
Christmas events coming up? Book here!
Bookings at the Heart have been increasing but if you have a one-off event you’re planning, or if you plan to hold regular meetings, then come along and see what we have to offer. If you’re interested in renting a space, whether by the hour or regularly, do fill in the form on the website. In particular we can offer evening spaces in the comfortable, modern Anchor Building or for larger events, perhaps the old school assembly hall might suit you. You only have to ask.
Bits & Bobs
1) Do you know of anyone who would appreciate receiving our newsletters? Spread the word and let us know.
2) Is there anyone with an electric keyboard/piano who would donate it for the Anchor building?
3) We’re still on the hunt for someone with some HR experience who might be able to help us. If you would like to get involved, then get in touch via the admin@ address or contact our Chair, Judy Crabb at
Finally, in other news, the Heart is proud to report that It’s Your Neighbourhood, part of the Keep Scotland Beautiful charity has marked us up to Level 3, Advancing, so thank you to everyone who has helped plant bulbs and other plants both around the Heart itself and elsewhere in the neighbourhood.

Stop Press
Save Our Ponds
You may be interested in this petition.
The aim is to save wildlife habitat on unused building plots near Western Harbour, which are currently up for sale for further development.
More information on the Community Council Website: