Truss: Energy Price Guarantee will ‘give people certainty’ on energy bills

Prime Minister Liz Truss’s opening speech on the energy policy debate in the House of Commons yesterday:

Earlier this week I promised I would deal with the soaring energy prices faced by families and businesses across the UK. And today I am delivering on that promise.

This Government is moving immediately to introduce a new Energy Price Guarantee that will give people certainty on energy bills.

It will curb inflation and boost growth.

This Guarantee – which includes a temporary suspension of green levies – means that from 1st October a typical household will pay no more than £2,500 per year for each of the next two years, while we get the energy market back on track.

This will save a typical household £1,000 a year. It comes in addition to the £400 Energy Bills Support Scheme.

This Guarantee supersedes the Ofgem price cap, and has been agreed with energy retailers.

We will deliver this by securing the wholesale price for energy, while putting in place long-term measures to secure future supplies at more affordable rates.

We are supporting this country through this winter and next, and tackling the root cause of high prices, so we are never in this position again.

For those using heating oil, living in park homes or those on heat networks, we will set up a fund so that all UK consumers can benefit from equivalent support.

We will also support all businesses, charities and public sector organisations with their energy costs this winter – offering an equivalent guarantee for 6 months.

After those 6 months we will provide further support to vulnerable sectors, such as hospitality, including our local pubs.

My Rt Hon Friend the Business Secretary will work with businesses to review where this should be targeted to make sure those most in need get support. This review will be concluded within 3 months, giving businesses certainty.

In the meantime, companies with the wherewithal need to be looking for ways they can improve energy efficiency and increase direct energy generation

We will be bringing forward emergency legislation to deliver this policy. And my Rt Hon Friend the Chancellor of the Exchequer will set out the expected costs as part of his fiscal statement later this month.

I can tell the House today that we will not be giving in to calls for this to be funded through a windfall tax.

That would undermine the national interest by discouraging the very investment we need to secure home-grown energy supplies. You can’t tax your way to growth.

Instead, we are taking an approach which is pro-growth, pro-business and pro the investment we need for energy security.

This is the moment to be bold. We are facing a global energy crisis and there are no ‘cost-free’ options.

There will be a cost to this intervention. However we are also acting immediately to defray the cost of this intervention in three ways.

Firstly, by ramping up supply.

Following on from the successful vaccine taskforce, we have created a new Energy Supply Taskforce under the leadership of Maddy McTernan.

They are already negotiating new long term energy contracts with domestic and international gas suppliers to immediately bring down the cost of this intervention.

We are also accelerating all sources of domestic energy, including North Sea oil and gas production.

We will be launching a new licensing round, which we expect to lead to over 100 new licences being awarded.

And we will speed up our deployment of all clean and renewable technologies including hydrogen, solar, carbon capture and storage, and wind… where we are already the world leader in offshore generation.

Renewable and nuclear generators will move onto Contracts for Difference to end the situation where electricity prices are set by the marginal price of gas.

This will mean generators are receiving a fair price, reflecting their cost of production, further bringing down the cost of this intervention.

Secondly, today’s action will deliver substantial benefits to our economy, boosting growth which increases tax receipts and gives certainty to business.

This intervention is expected to curb inflation by up to 5 percentage points, bringing a reduction in the cost of servicing government debt.

Thirdly, this morning, together with the Bank of England, we will set up a new scheme, worth up to £40 billion, to ensure that firms operating in wholesale energy markets have the liquidity they need to manage price volatility.

This will stabilise the market and decrease the likelihood that energy retailers need our support, like they did last Winter.

By increasing supply, boosting the economy and increasing liquidity in the market we will significantly reduce the cost to government of this intervention.

As well as dealing with the immediate situation we face, we are also dealing with the root causes.

Energy policy over the past decades has not focused enough on securing supply.

There’s no better example than nuclear, where the UK has not built a single new nuclear reactor in 25 years.

It’s not just about supply. The regulatory structures have failed, exposing the problems of having a price cap applied to the retail but not the wholesale market.

All of this has left us vulnerable to volatile global markets and malign actors in an increasingly geopolitical world.

That is why Putin is exploiting by weaponising energy supplies as part of his illegal war on Ukraine.

So as well as the action we are taking today on bills, we will use the next 2 years to make sure that the United Kingdom is never in this situation again.

I will be launching two reviews.

Firstly, a review of energy regulation to fix the underlying problems. We want a new approach which will address supply and affordability for the long term.

Secondly, we will conduct a review to ensure we deliver net zero by 2050 in a way that is pro-business and pro-growth. This review will be led by my Rt Hon Friend the member for Kingswood.

We are delivering a stable environment that gives investors the confidence to back gas as part of our transition to net zero.

We will end the moratorium on extracting our huge reserves of shale, which could get gas flowing in as soon as six months, where there is local support.

We will launch Great British Nuclear later this month – putting us on the path to deliver up to a quarter of our electricity generation with nuclear by 2050.

As a result of these steps on shale and nuclear and the acceleration of renewables, I am today setting a new ambition for our country.

Far from being dependent on the global energy market and the actions of malign actors, we will make sure the UK a net energy exporter by 2040.

And my Rt Hon Friend the Business Secretary will set out a plan in the next two months to make sure we achieve this.

I know businesses and families are very concerned about how they will get through this winter.

That’s why I felt it was important to act urgently to provide immediate help and support, as well as setting out our plan about how we are going to secure the UK’s future supplies.

This is part of my vision for rebuilding our economy.

Secure energy supply is vital to growth and prosperity. Yet it has been ignored for too long.

I will end the UK’s short-termist approach to energy security and supply once and for all.

That is what I promised on the steps of Downing Street.

Today we are acting decisively to deliver that pledge.

This will help us build a stronger, more resilient and more secure United Kingdom.

I commend this motion to the House.


Environmental campaigners have reacted to the UK Government plans for an energy price freeze funded by borrowing.

The UK Government will open a new licensing round for the North Sea next week, and is expected to give out over 100 permits for companies to look for more climate-wrecking oil and gas. This is despite climate science and energy experts warning that any new oil and gas projects will push the world well past dangerous climate limits.

Independent advisors have made it clear that increasing UK supply of oil and gas will have almost no impact on UK bills as prices are set by the international market.

Liz Truss also announced that her Government will lift the moratorium on shale gas. Scotland has a de facto ban on fracking.

In the first 6 months of 2022, 5 oil companies made over £80 billion in profits: Shell £16.6bn, BP £12.2bn, Exxonmobil £21.7bn, TotalEnergies £15.2bn, Chevron £14.5bn.

Friends of the Earth Scotland’s head of campaigns Mary Church said: “The impact of measures announced today to stop the immediate rise in household bills is welcome, but the approach taken by the new Prime Minister singularly fails to address the fundamental problems of a broken energy system that serves only to enrich oil company bosses and shareholders.

“The money the UK Government is borrowing will be pumped straight into the coffers of oil companies when it could have helped deliver the transition to clean, reliable renewables. People in the UK are being robbed by fossil fuel companies but instead of making them pay for the harm they are causing, Liz Truss has decided to borrow more money to keep paying the robbers.

“This energy price crisis is being driven by the price of fossil fuels and the only sure fire to prevent this happening again is a rapid and fair transition to renewable energy and a scaling up of energy efficiency.”

“Burning oil and gas is driving the climate emergency that sees tens of millions displaced by floods in Pakistan and has brought extreme heatwaves and drought across the UK. The UK Government is denying the reality of climate change by encouraging companies to seek out more fuel for the fire that is engulfing the world.

“The Scottish Government must be willing to stand up to these reckless plans to expand fossil fuels and hand out more licences for oil and gas companies to explore and drill in the North Sea. Ministers at Holyrood must speak out and use all the tools at their disposal to block any plans to further lock us into the oil and gas that is driving both the climate and cost of living crises.”

“The move to try reopen and force through fracking is a disgrace. Not only is the industry incredibly harmful in climate terms it also brings with it serious local health and environmental risks. Its laughable to suggest that fracked gas will deliver within 6 months. Communities have already successfully fought and stopped it in Northern Ireland, England and Scotland so wherever this dirty dangerous industry is proposed, it will be opposed once again.”

Commenting on the proposals announced by the government today to support households and businesses with energy bills, TUC General Secretary Frances O’Grady said: “Freezing energy bills this autumn is essential for families and to protect jobs and businesses.

“But the Prime Minister is making the wrong people pay. She should have imposed a much larger windfall tax on profiteering oil and gas giants. And she should have required all firms getting help with energy bills to commit to no lay-offs for the lifetime of the help, to protect livelihoods.

“And it’s not just energy bills soaring – so she needs to do more to help families get through the winter. That means a real plan to get wages rising, a big boost to universal credit, child benefit and pensions, and a massive rollout of home improvements to cut bills. And it’s time to bring energy retail into public ownership to make sure this crisis never happens again.”

The TUC says that the government should set out a programme to make UK living standards more resilient and the UK economy more resistant to a future crisis. This should include: 

  • Increase the windfall tax to a fairer level relative to the excess profits oil and gas firms are making.
  • Rapid rollout of home energy efficiency and taking the energy retail companies into public ownership – including a new approach to energy pricing with a free band of energy to cover basic lighting, heating, hot water and cooking.
  • A plan to get pay rising for all workers – including stronger pay bargaining rights so that working people and their unions can make fair pay agreements across whole industries. 
  • Increase the minimum wage to £15 an hour as soon as possible – by returning the UK to normal wage growth and having a more ambitious minimum wage target. 
  • Social security that prevents poverty – universal credit and benefits should be raised to 80 percent of the national living wage, along with a significant boost to support for families with children.  

Commenting on the Prime Minister’s decision to end the moratorium on fracking, Tom Fyans, director of campaigns and policy at CPRE, the countryside charity, said:  ‘Giving fracking the green light is a hideous mistake.

“If the purpose is to tackle bank busting gas prices, it’s an exercise in futility. Even if we were to go full steam ahead on fracking, which nobody wants, least of all rural communities, it wouldn’t make a dent on the cost of energy anytime soon, or ever. 

‘Any move to industrialise the countryside and belch yet more fumes into our carbon-soaked atmosphere will prompt a furious response from local communities, drawn out planning delays and nationwide protests. Hardly a proposal to keep families warm this winter, or lower bills in the future. 

‘The new Chancellor got it right in March, when he said fracking “would take up to a decade to extract sufficient volumes — and it would come at a high cost for communities and our precious countryside.” Nothing has changed. 

‘Proposals to offer local people discounts on their bills in exchange for environmental destruction on their doorsteps need to be seen for what they are – a feeble attempt to bribe vulnerable rural communities to accept an unpopular, unsafe and polluting process that will destroy their tranquility. Local communities need to make their voices heard loud and clear – they were right to resist before and should continue to do so. 

‘The answer to the fossil fuel price crisis is to reduce usage with a mass insulation drive, alongside a clean energy sprint. There has never been a better time to transform our energy infrastructure to ensure a future of abundant green power. 

‘Renewables are around nine times cheaper and far quicker to plug in than any alternative. Families facing the biggest drop in living standards on record need renewable energy to become the central pillar of a modernised energy system. And they need it to happen fast.’ 

A LEADING property association has praised the Government’s package of measures to help those unable to afford rising energy costs. 

The National Association Of Property Buyers said the Prime Minister’s “swift and decisive intervention” would help many. 

Spokesman Jonathan Rolande said: “Looking at the energy and inflation crisis from the perspective of the property market, we welcome the swift and decisive intervention by the government to help households and businesses with the cost of energy by capping annual expenditure at an average of £2500.

“The impact of higher increases jeopardised so many facets of the economy it was almost impossible to over-exaggerate the terrible consequences there might have been – bankruptcies, unemployment, increased inflation, a house price crash – all were very possible.

“Bills and inflation still look set to rise. Interest rates may well do so too. But the cliff-edge has, for now, been avoided. Businesses and homeowners now have certainty about their budgets and can plan accordingly.

“There will of course be a price to pay, perhaps with higher bills or taxes in the future. But today at least, homeowners, businesses, charities and everyone in the property sector will be breathing a huge sigh of relief.”

Under proposals outlined today, a typical household energy bill will be capped at £2,500 annually until 2024.

The huge support scheme could cost up to £150bn, but Ms Truss refused to put a figure on it, saying “extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures”.

Businesses will get support, with bills capped for six months, a shorter period of protection than many had hoped for.

The help will be for everyone in England, Scotland and Wales with equivalent help for Northern Ireland.

But there are concerns the measures are not targeted enough, with no additional support for the most vulnerable. As a result, millions are still expected to be in fuel poverty this winter.

The energy price cap – the highest amount suppliers are allowed to charge households for every unit of energy they use – had been due to rise to £3,549 in October.

To limit the amount customers’ bills go up by, the government will compensate energy firms for the difference between the wholesale price for gas and electricity they pay and the amount they can charge customers.

The final cost of the scheme will depend on the cost of energy on the international energy markets, which can be extremely volatile.

The money to cover the support will be borrowed by the government, adding to the UK’s already large debt pile.

Death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II: Preparations for State Funeral and further information

Following the death of Her Majesty The Queen, all official flags, including the Union Flag, should be half-masted from as soon as possible until 08.00 the day following The Queen’s State Funeral. Flags may be flown overnight during this period but should remain at half-mast.

Official flags in this instance are defined as national flags of the home nations, Crown Dependencies and Overseas Territories, Ensigns and Ships’ colours.

Any non-official flags flying or due to be flown, such as the Rainbow Flag or the Armed Forces Day Flag, should be taken down and replaced with a Union Flag at half-mast. Other official flags scheduled to be flown can be flown as normal, but at half-mast.

Half-mast means the flag is flown a third of the way down the flagpole from the top, with at least the height of the flag between the top of the flag and the top of the flagpole.

On poles that are more than 45° from the vertical, flags cannot be flown at half-mast and should not be flown at all.

The Union Flag must be flown the correct way up – in the half of the flag nearest the flagpole, the wider diagonal white stripe must be above the red diagonal stripe. Please see the College of Arms website

Royal Standard

The Royal Standard is never flown at half-mast even after the death of a monarch, as there is always a Sovereign on the throne and it would therefore be inappropriate for it to fly at half-mast.

The Union Flag will be flown at half mast on all Royal Residences.


Following the announcement of the death of Her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, the House of Commons, the House of Lords and everyone at UK Parliament extend their sympathies to the Royal Family.

Statement from the Speaker of the House of Commons, The Rt Hon. Sir Lindsay Hoyle:

‘For all of us, the Queen has been a constant presence in our lives – as familiar as a member of the family, yet one who has exercised a calm and steadying influence over our country. Most of us have never known a time when she was not there. Her death is not only a tragedy for the Royal family, but a terrible loss for us all.

During her 70 years on the throne – and even before that, as a teenager, reassuring and engaging with children and families disrupted by the Second World War – she has given our lives a sense of equilibrium. While her reign has been marked by dramatic changes in the world, Her Majesty has maintained her unwavering devotion to the UK, the British Overseas Territories and the Commonwealth of Nations – and her gentle authority and sound reason have been felt throughout.

She has travelled the world extensively, modernised the Royal family, and is credited with inventing the royal ‘walkabout’, which enabled her to meet people from all walks of life during her visits. As Head of State, she has provided advice and the benefit of long experience to 15 prime ministers during her reign – and met more than a quarter of all the American presidents in the history of the US.

The Queen has been involved in everything that is important to us and which makes us who we are – from state occasions to Royal weddings, and especially at Christmas, with her wise words and reflective annual message.

She has been a mother, grandmother and great-grandmother – but she has been our Queen, and we will miss her beyond measure.’

Statement from the Lord Speaker, The Rt Hon. Lord McFall of Alcluith:

‘Following the death of the Queen, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, the nation and the whole Commonwealth is united in deep mourning.

For 70 years she has been a loyal and steadfast presence in the national life of the United Kingdom.

Her integrity, unique record of public service, deep sense of faith and commitment to her role have ensured that she will be regarded as a supreme example of a constitutional Monarch.

Her vital relationship with our Chamber, where the three elements of Parliament come together during the State Opening, ensures that she will be forever remembered and cherished by the House of Lords.

Today my thoughts, and indeed those of the whole House, will go out to His Majesty the King and to the members of the Royal family, for whom this feeling of loss will be profound.

Today the nation reflects on the service Queen Elizabeth II gave to the Crown and to her people, and gives thanks for her life.

Members may wish to be aware that information about arrangements for the House will be issued by Black Rod and the House authorities shortly.

In fondest remembrance of a Queen dedicated to Her nation and Her people.’

MPs will have the opportunity to pay tribute at a special parliamentary session at Westminster this afternoon:


Tributes to Her late Majesty The Queen.

12:00pm – 10:00pm


Following the death of Her Majesty The Queen, it is His Majesty The King’s wish that a period of Royal Mourning be observed from now until seven days after The Queen’s Funeral. The date of the Funeral will be confirmed in due course.

Royal Mourning will be observed by Members of the Royal Family, Royal Household staff and Representatives of the Royal Household on official duties, together with troops committed to Ceremonial Duties.

Flags at Royal Residences 

Flags at Royal Residences were half masted yesterday, Thursday 8th September, and will remain half-masted until 0800hrs on the morning after the final day of Royal Mourning.

The half-masting of flags at Royal Residences does not apply to the Royal Standard and the Royal Standard in Scotland when The King is in residence, as they are always flown at full mast.

Guidance on flags at other public buildings has been issued by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport.

Royal Gun Salute

Royal Salutes will be fired in London today at 1300hrs BST in Hyde Park by The King’s Troop Royal Horse Artillery and at the Tower of London by the Honourable Artillery Company. One round will be fired for each year of The Queen’s life.

Closure of the Royal Residences

Royal Residences will close until after The Queen’s Funeral. This includes The Queen’s Gallery and the Royal Mews at Buckingham Palace, and The Queen’s Gallery in Edinburgh. Balmoral Castle and Sandringham House, The Queen’s private estates, will also close for this period. In addition, Hillsborough Castle, The Sovereign’s official residence in Northern Ireland, will be closed.

Floral Tributes at the Royal Residences

Following the death of Her Majesty The Queen, the following guidance is given to members of the public who wish to leave floral tributes at Royal Residences:

  • At Buckingham Palace members of the public will be guided to lay floral tributes at dedicated sites in The Green Park or Hyde Park. Flowers left outside the gates of Buckingham Palace will be moved to The Green Park Floral Tribute Garden by The Royal Parks. Further guidance will be issued by The Royal Parks.
  • At Windsor Castle, floral tributes can be left at Cambridge Gate on the Long Walk. These flowers will be brought inside the Castle every evening, and placed on the Castle Chapter grass on the south side of St George’s Chapel and Cambridge Drive.
  • At the Sandringham Estate, members of the public are encouraged to leave floral tributes at the Norwich Gates.
  • At Balmoral Castle, floral tributes can be left at the Main Gate.
  • At the Palace of Holyroodhouse, members of the public are encouraged to give floral tributes to the Wardens at the entrance to The Queen’s Gallery. Those flowers will be laid on the Forecourt grass in front of the North Turret of the Palace.
  • At Hillsborough Castle, floral tributes may be laid on the Castle Forecourt, in front of the main gates.

Information on Floral Tributes at other public buildings and locations will be issued by the Cabinet Office.

Books of Condolence at the Royal Residences

There are no physical Books of Condolence at the Royal Residences.

An online Book of Condolence for those who wish to leave messages is available on the Royal website:


Since the early 1960s plans have been in place in the event of the death of the Queen. These have undergone numerous changes in the decades since. As Her Majesty the Queen died in Scotland, “Operation Unicorn” will now be triggered.

Details of “Operation Unicorn” were first reported to the public in 2019, although the codename appeared in the Scottish Parliament’s online papers in 2017.

Holyrood Palace, St Giles’ Cathedral, and the Scottish Parliament will serve as the focal point of gatherings. A condolence book will be open to the public and set up at the Parliament building.

It’s reported that the Scottish Parliament will be suspended to allow authorities to prepare for the Queen’s state funeral.

The Queen’s coffin will initially lie in repose at the Palace of Holyrood, before being carried to St Giles’ Cathedral where there will be a service of reception.

Thousands of people are expected in Edinburgh to pay their respects and they will be encouraged to gather around the Scottish Parliament, Holyrood Palace and St Giles’ Cathedral.

More details to follow.

Edinburgh road closures and public transport information

Road closures are in place in the city centre, with further closures planned in the coming days.

We expect significant disruption in the city over the next few days. We will update this page with further details of which roads will be closing and public transport information.

Keep up to date on public transport changes 



RoadWhat’s happening
Carrington Road at Crewe Road SouthRoad closed
Carrington Road at East Fettes AvenueRoad closed
Fettes AvenueRoad closed
Queens Drive – east of the roundabout (Holyrood Gait entrance)Road closed
Holyrood Park entrance at Meadowbank TerraceRoad closed
East Market Street at Junction with Jeffrey StreetRoad closed
New Street South of Entrance to Waverley Car ParkRoad closed
Old Tollboth WyndRoad closed
Calton Road at Abbeyhill CrescentRoad closed
Abbeyhill at Abbeyhill CrescentRoad closed
Abbeyhill at abbey LaneRoad closed
Abbey Mount at Regent RoadRoad closed
Canongate at St Mary Street / Jeffrey StreetRoad closed
Calton Road at Leith StreetLocal access only
High Street at George IV / The MoundRoad closed
High Street at Cockburn StreetRoad closed
St Giles Street at North Bank StreetRoad closed



The Queen died peacefully at Balmoral this afternoon.

The King and The Queen Consort will remain at Balmoral this evening and will return to London tomorrow.

A statement has been issued by the Royal Family on behalf of Charles III, the new King:

“The death of my beloved Mother, Her Majesty The Queen, is a moment of the greatest sadness for me and all members of my family.

“We mourn profoundly the passing of a cherished sovereign and a much-loved mother.

“I know her loss will be deeply felt throughout the country, the Realms and the Commonwealth and by countless people around the world.

“During this period of mourning and change, my family and I will be comforted and sustained by our knowledge of the respect and deep affection in which the Queen was so widely held.”

Prime Minister Liz Truss paid the following tribute:

We are all devastated by the news we have just heard from Balmoral. The death of Her Majesty The Queen is a huge shock to the nation and to the world.

Queen Elizabeth II was the rock on which modern Britain was built.

Our country has grown and flourished under her reign.

Britain is the great country it is today because of her.

She ascended the throne just after the Second World War.

She championed the development of the Commonwealth – from a small group of seven countries to a family of 56 nations spanning every continent of the world.

We are now a modern, thriving, dynamic nation.

Through thick and thin, Queen Elizabeth II provided us with the stability and the strength that we needed.

She was the very spirit of Great Britain – and that spirit will endure.

She has been our longest-ever reigning monarch.

It is an extraordinary achievement to have presided with such dignity and grace for 70 years.

Her life of service stretched beyond most of our living memories.

In return, she was loved and admired by the people in the United Kingdom and all around the world.

She has been a personal inspiration to me and to many Britons. Her devotion to duty is an example to us all.

Earlier this week, at 96, she remained determined to carry out her duties as she appointed me as her 15th Prime Minister.

Throughout her life she has visited more than 100 countries and she has touched the lives of millions around the world.

In the difficult days ahead, we will come together with our friends…

….across the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth and the world…

…to celebrate her extraordinary lifetime of service.

It is a day of great loss, but Queen Elizabeth II leaves a great legacy.

Today the Crown passes – as it is has done for more than a thousand years – to our new monarch, our new head of state: His Majesty King Charles III.

With the King’s family, we mourn the loss of his mother.

And as we mourn, we must come together as a people to support him.

To help him bear the awesome responsibility that he now carries for us all.

We offer him our loyalty and devotion just as his mother devoted so much to so many for so long.

And with the passing of the second Elizabethan age, we usher in a new era in the magnificent history of our great country, – exactly as Her Majesty would have wished – by saying the words … God save the King.

Flags are flying at half-mast on all Scottish Government buildings, and on behalf of the people of Scotland, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has sent a message of condolence to the new King and other members of the Royal Family.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said: “Her Majesty The Queen gave decades of her life in service and has died today here in Scotland as our longest-serving monarch.

“Our condolences are with The King, The Queen Consort and the wider Royal Family. Millions around the world will share their grief but only they will feel the loss of a mother and grandmother.

“The Queen was unflinching in her dedication to duty, unwavering in her commitment to public service and unmatched in her devotion to the people of this country and the wider Commonwealth.

“We are all saddened by today’s news and will come together in the days ahead to mourn. But it is right and proper that we celebrate the unparalleled contribution she made in her 70 years as Sovereign.

“The Queen came to the throne following the Second World War, reigned through decades of social change and lived to be the monarch who opened our Scottish Parliament in the age of devolution.

“Largely through her belief in the value of diverse nations coming together to celebrate humanity, The Queen played a leading role in creating the modern Commonwealth – 53 countries across six continents working together.

“Scotland was special to her and she was special to Scotland. Throughout her life, she had a particular fondness for Aberdeenshire and her home there at Balmoral, where she spent her final days.

“But her contribution to Scottish public life extended throughout our country and abroad and was deeply felt by thousands.

“In the coming days there will be ample opportunity for people to pay their respects by attending events across the country.

“Today is a day for reflection and remembrance. It is also a day for giving thanks to The Queen for her devotion to duty and the decades of public service she gave to the people of Scotland.”

The royal household’s representative in Edinburgh, the Lord Lieutenant Robert Aldridge, has led Edinburgh’s tributes to the Queen following the news of her death from Buckingham Palace today.

The Lord Provost said: “Throughout HM the Queen’s extraordinary reign, she showed great appreciation for her ancient and hereditary kingdom of Scotland. During her countless visits to Edinburgh, she reached out to our charities, veterans, serving personnel, hospitals and children and won a very special place in the hearts of Scottish people.  

“Over her seven-decade reign, she has shown unwavering and inspirational dedication to the nation and I pay tribute to her years of service. I’m sure her legacy will be special and longstanding.  

“I had the pleasure of meeting her in June at our historic Ceremony of the Keys and it has been my privilege and honour to be her personal representative in Edinburgh. To many she is the nation’s mother and grandmother and it is with great sadness that I convey, on behalf of the Scottish capital, our heartfelt sympathies and condolences to all the members of the royal family at this very sad time. 

“Queen Elizabeth II, born Elizabeth Alexandra Mary in London on April 21 1926, ascended to the throne in 1952.

“She became the longest-reigning British monarch in history when she opened the Borders Railway line 9 September 2015, where she was greeted and congratulated by (then) Lord Provost, Donald Wilson.
“On that day in an address to the people of Scotland, the Queen said: “Inevitably, a long life can pass by many milestones; my own is no exception. But I thank you all and the many others at home and overseas, for your touching messages of great kindness.” 

LOCAL MSP Alec Cole-Hamilton said: “Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has been a bedrock of and grace in the life of our nation. Her constancy and devotion to the people of these islands have carried us through many dark times.

“I share the sentiment of grief and the profound sense of gratitude felt by so many tonight”.

LABOUR Party leader Sir Keor Starmer said: “Today we mourn the passing of a remarkable sovereign. It is a deep private loss for the Royal Family and our first thoughts are with them at this time. The nation shares in their grief.

Queen Elizabeth II created a special, personal relationship with us all. A relationship based on service and devotion to her country. Nobody under the age of 70 has known anything other than Queen Elizabeth II on the throne. For the vast majority of us, the late Queen has been simply the Queen. The only Queen. Above all else, our Queen.

As we mourn her loss, we should also treasure her life. Our longest-serving and greatest ever monarch. Above the clashes of politics, she stood not for what the nation fought over but what it agreed upon. In crisis, she reassured us. Reminding us that we are all part of something that stretches back through time. A symbol of the best of us. I saw it for myself when I led the Crown Prosecution Service.

Every time I had the privilege to meet the late Queen, she would ask the most searching questions because she wanted to understand the lives and struggles of her people. And as Britain changed rapidly around her, this dedication became the still point of our turning world. An example that taught us that whatever the challenges we face, the value of service always endures.

And the obvious love the late Queen displayed for Britain, the British people gave back in return. That is why there is such an outpouring of grief across the nation today. As there is across the Commonwealth to which the late Queen was so devoted.

Around the world, people are united in mourning. And united in celebrating her life. This togetherness is a reminder of what she achieved. A reminder of our shared values. Values which I know will be upheld by her beloved son, Charles, our new King.

So as our great Elizabethan era comes to an end, we will honour the late Queen’s memory by keeping alive the values of public service she embodied.

For seventy years, Elizabeth II stood as the head of our country. But, in spirit, she stood amongst us.

Education Convener: Digital access is ‘vital’ to aiding children’s learning

EDUCATION convener Councillor JOAN GRIFFITHS was joined by council leader Cammy Day on a visit to Craigroyston Community High School this week.

The policians met Head Teacher Shelley McLaren and S3 pupils who were receiving new tablet devices to aid their studies as part of the council’s Empowered Learning programme.

Every school pupil from P6 to S6 in the capital will receive their own digital device as part of an ambitious and inclusive education strategy, Edinburgh Learns for Life.

The 1:1 roll out, being carried out in partnership with the city council’s ICT services provider CGI, started last September thanks to a £17.6m boost to learning and teaching. In addition to the personal distribution additional iPads will be also be issued to P1 to P5 year groups on an agreed ratio.

Councillor Griffiths said: “I am hugely proud that our ambitious Empowered Learning programme will provide every school pupil from P6 to S6 in Scotland’s Capital with their own digital device.

“The 1:1 roll-out, being carried out in partnership with our ICT services provider CGI, started in schools across the city at the start of the year and is due to be completed in December.

“It will result in 41,000 iPads being given to pupils and teaching staff as we look to provide equality of access to digital devices and raise attainment. And it’s not just our P6 to S6 pupils who will benefit.

“In addition to their personal devices we’re providing iPads to P1 to P5 year groups on an agreed ratio and over a 1,000 across our early years settings. There will be devices for all teaching staff and we have 1,150 to cover rising rolls for the school year. So far 17,000 iPads have been delivered and the roll out completed in 76 schools.

“The next major phase of the roll out has now started with devices being distributed to our high schools. Yesterday during my visit to Craigroyston High School I saw first-hand the real impact of the scheme on pupils as they were given their own devices that will accompany them on their learning journey through school.

“The vital need for digital access to learning was never more starkly illustrated than during the pandemic when remote learning and teaching became the norm. Some pupils struggled as they didn’t have their own devices and this highlighted the importance of making sure all our pupils have the digital means to learn on a level playing field.

“The Empowered Learning programme, funded by a £17.6m investment by the Council, demonstrates this commitment and Edinburgh is pioneering the use of technology in education for teachers and pupils alike.

“But it’s not just about handing out new iPads. We have to make sure the infrastructure and training is there to support everyone. As part of the programme there will also be enhanced wi-fi coverage for all our schools and early years settings, improved collaboration and classroom management tools such as Apple Classroom. So far cabling and wireless access point installations have been completed at 106 settings.

“Also the benefits of the programme go far wider than just pupils and teaching staff having their own device. It leads to personalising learning, improving teacher feedback, preparing students for future working, collaborative on and off-line working and, crucially supporting all our efforts to raise attainment.

“I am also delighted that funding for 4 years of this programme has been agreed as part of the Council’s 2021-26 Revenue Budget Settlement.

“I firmly believe this project shows our commitment to providing our children and young people with every opportunity to succeed in their education and provide them with the skills required for their future career paths.”

Key elements of the Empowered Learning programme, which will see a phased roll out of all the devices completed by the end of 2022, include: 27,000 new iPads being issued to pupils/staff, refreshed iPads for up to 12,000 pupils/staff and expanding the wireless connectivity in schools by providing wireless access points and a comprehensive programme of professional learning for teachers.


Benefits for young people include:

  • Fair and equal access from P6 to S6, ensuring all pupils have personal access to digital learning with their teacher in school or at home
  • Effective digital workflow to increase engagement, improve teacher feedback and raise attainment
  • A range of innovative accessibility features to improve access to the curriculum for pupils with additional support needs
  • Pupils can work online simultaneously in a class or collaboratively outside the classroom
  • High quality digital applications for productivity and creativity, providing more ways to personalise and choose how they learn
  • Development of learning, thinking and digital literacy skills vital for success in today’s rapidly evolving, technological society

Thousands built their own back garden pubs following the Pandemic

Pub Shed Radio & Two Fat Blokes bar signs run national competition to find Britain’s best garden pub shed

During the pandemic the popularity of having your own pub in your garden exploded, We estimate in excess of 2 million back garden pubs and bars are now in operation. Many of these bars are DIY built featuring fully functioning bars with sound systems, pool tables, darts boards, real fires and a huge variety of drinks for friends and family.

To recognise the best of the best Pub Shed Radio & Two Fat Blokes run a competition for back garden publicans to enter their bar for the converted title Pub Shed of The Year 2022 plus various other prizes for first, second and third places.

With hundreds of entries last year the judges selected their top three which then went to public voting via our voting platform. Each bar will be shown on the site for visitors from across the UK to vote for their favourite.

The PSOTY2022 awards will be broadcast live on Pub shed radio the partner of two fat blokes bar signs

None of the three finalist will know if they are the winners until live on air, Ashley Turner the owner of Two Fat Blokes and DJ Tommy Funka the owner of Pub Shed Radio will knock on the door of the winners Pub Shed Of The Year on the night of 19th November complete with a DJ rig to broadcast live to the nation from the winning pub shed.

Garden bar owners can enter their pub sheds & bars into the 2022 competition by visiting between 1st September and 30th September.

Last year – DJ MRJ the co owner of Pub Shed radio said ” It was our biggest audience since we started the station 3 years ago with 35% more listeners on our not for profit free radio station.”

Iain Weetman the winner from 2021 said he could not believe he had won, “I’m so happy to have won with my small bar. “I’ve never won anything before, this is amazing”

Ashley said: “Two Fat Blokes bar signs ran the competition for some fun with our partners Pub Shed Radio, we had 482 entrants, the quality and diversity of entrants was truly amazing and we had over 1500 votes for the finalist in the public vote.”

Iain self-built and fitted out his bar which has the Bar Taps from HMS Ark Royal that served in the Gulf war proudly installed on his bar.

Iain won the converted Pub Shed Of The year 2021, a sign package worth over £200 and a bottle of 7 year old Rum.

The other two finalist The Garden Inn Rowley Regis & O’Sulivans Bishops Auckland also won a sign package and High Commended awards.

St James Quarter lands new retail brands 

COS and NEOM to open new stores at St James Quarter

 St James Quarter, the 1.7 million sq ft retail-led lifestyle district in Edinburgh, will lease a collective 8,084 sq ft to COS and NEOM. 

Chris Pyne, Head of Leasing at St James Quarter, commented: “These new signings bring us a step closer to fully letting the galleria, and with the whole scheme now 95% let we have put ourselves an enviable position one year since opening. 

“The centre has dealt remarkably well with the effects of the pandemic, with a continued positive response from our customer base translating to increased footfall levels and occupier demand from standout retail, cosmetic, leisure and F&B brands who can see the long-term appeal of the lifestyle-led retail destination that is St James Quarter.” 

COS, a fashion brand dedicated to quality and sustainability, has picked the lifestyle quarter as the location for its new Scotland store, which will feature an interesting new concept for its fit out. This will be its first store in Edinburgh spanning 7,483 sq ft. 

Wellbeing specialists and Times Top 100 brand, NEOM Organics, will also be opening the doors to their sanctuary of calm, creating a 601 sq ft haven for customers to discover each of the brands natural wellbeing ranges including their iconic Wellbeing Pods, natural candles, access to complimentary wellbeing advice and personalised consultations. The brand, which was founded by a former journalist in 2005, will be located on level 2. 

St James Quarter’s latest announcement follows on from a flurry of F&B signings including itsu and The Botanist. 

St James Quarter has gone from strength to strength offering an impressive and growing list of names throughout the retail and leisure sector including Wingstop, Thai Express, Boss, Coach, & Other Stories, Mango, Zara, REISS, Bershka, Pull & Bear, Stradivarius, Miele, Next, H&M, JD Sports, John Lewis and many more.  

Lorna Slater MSP welcomes rent controls and eviction ban to help people in Lothian 

Lorna Slater, the Scottish Greens MSP for Lothian has welcomed the Scottish Government’s announcement of a national rent freeze and an eviction ban until at least March, which they say will provide “vital stability and support” for tenants across Lothian at a time when many are suffering.

The announcement was made as part of the Programme for Government and will help tenants across Lothian where the average monthly rent is £942, which is an increase of 41.7% since 2010.

Scottish Green MSP for Lothian, Lorna Slater said: With soaring inflation and skyrocketing bills, these are desperate times for tenants all across Scotland. People in Lothian have been hit by increasing rents.

We are facing the biggest social emergency for decades. The rent freeze and eviction ban that the First Minister announced will provide vital stability and support for tenants across Lothian and beyond at a time when many are suffering. 

“It is one of the steps we are taking, in partnership with the Scottish Government, to mitigate the damage being done by Downing Street and the energy companies.”

“Improving tenants’ rights and tackling inequality are at the heart of the cooperation agreement that we agreed with the Scottish Government and must be at the heart of our recovery.”

“Over the course of this parliamentary term Scotland will see the biggest expansion of tenants’ rights since devolution, with more rights for tenants to make a house a home by keeping pets and decorating, better protections from eviction and, perhaps most importantly, a robust system of rent controls.”


Sir Geoff Palmer to receive the Edinburgh Award 2022

Sir Geoff Palmer, Professor Emeritus and Chancellor of Heriot-Watt University, has been selected to receive the Edinburgh Award 2022.

In recognition of his ground-breaking contributions to academia, and his indefatigable defence of human rights in Edinburgh and beyond, Sir Geoff Palmer will be presented with an engraved Loving Cup from the Lord Provost and have his handprints set in stone at the City Chambers later this year.

Sir Geoff has a long association with the city of Edinburgh, he first arrived in the Capital in 1964 to pursue a PhD in Grain Science and Technology jointly with the then Heriot-Watt College and the University of Edinburgh. Upon completion of his doctorate in 1967 he began working at the Brewing Research Foundation where he developed the industrial process of Barley Abrasion and pioneered the use of the Scanning Electron Microscope to study cereal grains.

In 1977, he returned to Heriot-Watt University as a staff member and gained a DSc degree for his research work in 1985. In 1989 he became the first black professor in Scotland and remained in Edinburgh until his retirement in 2005. In 2021 he was appointed Chancellor of Heriot-Watt University.

Sir Geoff was knighted in the 2014 New Year’s Honours for services to human rights, science, and charity. In 2018, he was appointed Jamaica’s first Honorary Consul in Scotland and is the 2020 recipient of the Jamaican national honour, the Order of Distinction (Commander Class).

Between December 2020 and June 2022, Sir Geoff chaired the independent Edinburgh Slavery and Colonialism Legacy Review Group whose work has been vital in profiling the Capital’s historic links with Slavery and Colonialism in the public realm. The findings and recommendations of the Group were endorsed unanimously by councillors on 30 August and the actions they suggest will form the basis of the Council’s continued response to these key issues.

Sir Geoff will become the 16th recipient of the coveted Edinburgh Award and will join the esteemed company of previous recipients who have all contributed in their own unique way to the Capital.

The Lord Provost, Councillor Robert Aldridge, said: “It is my absolute pleasure to announce Sir Geoff Palmer as the recipient of the Edinburgh Award 2022. In a career spanning over fifty years, he has made an indelible mark on the life sciences and is a shining example to the world of Edinburgh’s academic prowess, force, and rigour.

“Alongside his academic achievements Sir Geoff has been instrumental in examining Edinburgh’s past and helping us collectively move forward as a city. As chair of the Edinburgh Slavery and Colonialism Legacy Review Group he has conducted himself with absolute distinction and provided a firm foundation for Edinburgh’s future as a modern, conscious, and considerate capital city.

“The Edinburgh Award, nominated by the public, identifies individuals that have made an extraordinary impact on our capital city. Sir Geoff has contributed substantially to the betterment of this great city, and I am confident that his legacy both in academia and activism will live on for many years to come.”

Sir Geoff Palmer, Professor Emeritus and Chancellor of Heriot Watt University, said: “This award is more than a great honour; it is a recognition of all the people whose goodness has contributed to my life and work.

“I arrived in Edinburgh as a research student in 1964 and I thank the City of Edinburgh Council for all it has done for the community.”

Buckingham Palace: A Statement

Following further evaluation this morning, The Queen’s doctors are concerned for Her Majesty’s health and have recommended she remain under medical supervision. The Queen remains comfortable and at Balmoral.”

Price Charles is now with the Queen, who is 96, and other members of the royal family are now travelling to Balmoral.