More than £17.1 million has been paid to support children and young people since Child Disability Payment launched.
These payments are designed to mitigate some of the additional costs of caring for a disabled or terminally ill child or young person.
It is estimated that as of 30 June 2022, 13,200 children and young people are in receipt of Child Disability Payment.
£11.3 million was issued to new applicants and a further £5.8 million was issued to children and young people who have had their payment transferred to Child Disability Payment.
The total number of people receiving payments includes 7,230 who had their Disability Living Allowance for children transferred from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to Social Security Scotland.
Figures for 26 July 2021 to 30 June 2022 include an initial pilot period where Child Disability Payment was only available in Dundee City, Perth and Kinross and the Western Isles local authority areas.
Child Disability Payment became available to people making new applications across Scotland in November 2021. Payments for children and young people whose awards transferred from DWP began in February this year.
Almost three quarters (74%) of applications were made online, with 16% by phone.
Child Disability Payment replaces the UK Government’s Disability Living Allowance for children.
Those already receiving Disability Living Allowance for children from the DWP do not need to make a new application for Child Disability Payment as Social Security Scotland will contact them ahead of their award being automatically transferred.

Social Security & Local Government Minister Ben Macpherson said: “I’m proud to be working to further develop our Scottish social security system rooted in dignity, fairness and respect.
“We want people to get the support they need and are entitled to”.