The Leith Collective launches Easter Garden Amnesty, Rehome a Houseplant initiative plus Kids Go Green workshops

The Leith Collective has earned a reputation for being Edinburgh’s champions of sustainability, and now they’re helping even more locals go green with the launch of two new initiatives and a series of workshops this Easter.
First up, The Leith Collective has announced an Easter Garden Amnesty. Ideal for those planning to have a spring clear-out, locals can donate any unwanted garden tools, pots, or excess seeds to the shop. These will then be made available for others to collect completely free of charge. The hope is that it will inspire those who have never considered themselves to be particularly green-fingered to give nature a helping hand.
Discussing the initiative, The Leith Collective Founder, Sara Thomson explained: “I know how therapeutic gardening is and how beneficial it can be to an individual’s mental health. But the cost of buying tools can be a financial barrier to some people, especially in light of the rising cost of living.
“So, we thought an Easter Garden Amnesty would be a great way of supporting a circular economy – keeping tools in use, rather than going to landfill – and encouraging people to have a go at growing something.”
In addition to the Easter Garden Amnesty, The Leith Collective has also launched their Rehome a Houseplant initiative and are inviting locals to donate cuttings of houseplants which will be popped into jars of water to propagate in the store. These plants will then be available for others to take home completely free of charge.
The Leith Collective will also be hosting a series of green-themed workshops throughout the Easter holidays, including a Kids Go Green event where children can paint a flowerpot, plant a seed, take it home and watch it grow.
So, whether you fancy adding a little greenery to your home with a new houseplant, or you have big ambitions to transform your local area with some guerrilla gardening, head to The Leith Collective for everything you need to get growing.