Welcome to your March Newsletter.
“When are you opening?” we hear you ask. We can only repeat that the keys are on their way. We are still working towards a handover on 31st March, but legal processes can be lengthy as well as tiresome and frustrating and have to be gone through, whether we like it or not.
Even if the date does slip into April and the next financial year for some reason, we have been assured by the Scottish Land Fund that the allocated funds will be held for us and handed over as soon as the legal requirements are completed.
The Heart will spring to life soon.

Look out for the Heart of Newhaven Community banners which are now on the old school railings!
The City of Edinburgh Council has given us permission to display them on what is technically still its property, as its commitment to the handover process and hopefully the sight will reassure the whole community that plans for our collaborative, intergenerational community services and activities will start as soon as possible.
As we prepare to take over and operate the site, we are pleased to soon welcome three new trustees to the board. Mike Douglas, Emma Hendon and Layla Robinson have already been working hard with our current trustees and volunteers in our various working groups and have much to contribute. Between them, they bring years of experience in the world of business and finance, as well as the care sector and other charity work.
You can read more about them on the About Us page on the website soon.
Have you visited the Restoration Forth exhibition currently on at the Botanic Gardens until 24th April? The Heart is one of five chosen local community hubs supporting the project and our information board is right at the heart of the exhibition.
On view are many of the wonderful squares that people have created, including Ian Marshall’s vision of Newhaven made with liner pen and watercolours.

We look forward to curating our own exhibitions and science-based projects once we are installed in the Heart.