Statement from the CCC Management Committee (25/2/22):

We can now confirm that as of 23rd June 2022, CCC will be vacating their current premises at 191 St John’s Road after being served formal notice by the site’s owners. This is in line with neighbouring units.
We are currently in the process of assessing alternative sites for the continuation of activities currently undertaken by the various groups who use the Hub and are consulting with the group leaders.
In respect of the charity shop, this will continue to operate as usual up until the end of the lease and in the meantime we are also looking at alternatives as to where the shop may be based in the future. We are also communicating with the shop supervisors.
We will continue to update the local community, our members, volunteers and staff as we make progress to identify and hopefully secure other premises.
If anyone has any ideas or suggestions for alternative premises for the shop or activities please let us know via’