Dear Editor
Like so many others, stroke has left a really devastating legacy on my family. My dad died of a stroke and his dad, my grandfather, had a major stroke which left him unable to speak again.
But many people don’t realise that the vast majority of strokes – around 80-90% in fact – are preventable, which is why I’m supporting the Stroke Association’s Stride for Stroke campaign as my New Year’s resolution.
I exercise regularly, try to eat healthily and keep an eye on my blood pressure, which are all ways to help lower your risk of stroke – but there’s more we can all do…
So this year, the charity is challenging everyone who cares about this devastating condition, and who is able to do so to walk 10,000 steps a day for 130 days. If that’s something you could do, that would add up to 1.3million steps, one for every stroke survivor in the UK.
Stroke strikes every five minutes in the UK and it changes lives in an instant. However, with our support, the Stroke Association can help more stroke survivors and their families find hope and rebuild their lives.
So come on, if you’re looking for a New Year’s resolution that will make a huge difference, why not take on the Stride for Stroke challenge? Sign up today at www.stroke.org.uk/stride
Thank you and Happy New Year,
Vogue Williams