Hogmanay halted: First Minister acts to slow Omicron spread

Due to the urgent threat posed by Omicron’s much higher transmissibility than other variants of coronavirus (COVID-19), additional targeted measures to minimise contacts will come into force for at least three weeks to allow immunity from the accelerated booster vaccine programme to take effect.

All measures will be reviewed after three weeks on Tuesday 11 January at which point protection from booster vaccinations up to 31 December – when the Scottish Government is aiming for 80% of over 18s to have received their booster – will be maximised.

From 05:00 on 27 December, to minimise the risk of widespread transmission, there will be a requirement for one metre physical distancing between adults in all indoor hospitality and leisure settings, including:

  • pubs, bars, restaurants, cafes and other settings where food and drink is served for consumption on-site
  • leisure settings including gyms, theatres, cinemas, bingo and snooker halls and bowling alleys
  • museums, galleries and other visitor attractions

Table service will be required in settings where alcohol is served for consumption on the premises.

Physical distancing will not be required in places of worship or on public transport, however existing mitigations for these settings will continue to apply.

In addition, from 05:00 on 26 December, to help ease pressure on emergency services and reduce the risks of transmission in large crowds, attendance at large events will be limited – to 100 people for indoor standing events, to 200 people for indoor seated events, and to 500 people for all outdoor events seated or standing.

Organisers of large professional sporting fixtures will have discretion over whether to admit spectators up to these limits. 

Guidance will be updated to advise against indoor activities where physical distancing cannot be maintained, including non-professional adult contact sports, from 26 December.

A package totalling £375 million, including £175 million of additional funding from the Treasury, will be made available to support sectors affected by the latest protective measures to combat Omicron. An update will be provided on the breakdown and allocation of funding as soon as possible.

Ministers will consider how COVID certification could be expanded to cover a wider range of indoor settings to support them remaining open once the booster programme is complete. 

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said: “The rate of vaccination acceleration in an age cohort with, to date, lower levels relatively speaking of booster protection underlines the vital importance of everyone getting booster jags as quickly as possible.

“However, as the booster roll-out is completed – and bearing in mind that it takes around a week for immune protection to take effect in individuals – we must also act to slow down the spread of cases.

“This is not a choice between protecting health and protecting the economy – if we don’t stem the spread of the virus, both health and the economy will suffer.

“I totally understand the temptation to delay; to hope, after two long years of this, that further steps might not be necessary. But we are already seeing a significant impact from staff absences across the economy and public services – we must do what we can to stem this.

“We know from experience that if we wait until the data tells us conclusively that we have a problem, for example, with hospital admissions, it will already be too late to act to avoid that problem.

“Booster jags are our best line of defence against Omicron and they are what will get us through and out of this difficult phase I believe. Last week, I said that our target was to have 80% of the eligible population vaccinated with boosters by the time the bells strike on Hogmanay.

“I can confirm today that we are now confident that we have the capacity to meet that target, but to reach it, or get as close to it as possible, we need everyone who is eligible to come forward. 

“Getting fully vaccinated is the best thing any of us can do to protect ourselves, our loved ones, and the country, so please do get boosted before the bells. 

“Our advice is to stay at home as much as possible, but if you are meeting other people, test before you go – every time – and test as close to going as possible. This is really important for family gatherings on Christmas Day or Boxing Day.”

Coronavirus (COVID-19): staying safe and protecting others – gov.scot (www.gov.scot)

Coronavirus (COVID-19) update: First Minister’s statement – 21 December 2021 – gov.scot (www.gov.scot)

Edinburgh’s Council Leaders have confirmed that this year’s Hogmanay events will not go ahead.

The latest public health guidance, effective from 26 December, limits numbers at outdoor public events to 500, resulting in the cancellation of the Torchlight Procession, Party at the Bells and the Loony Dook.

Council Leader Adam McVey said: “Our first and foremost priority must always be to protect the health and wellbeing of the public, our staff and the city as a whole. I know it will be hugely disappointing for people, particularly young people who were planning to attend these events. 

“Given the spread of this variant, reflected in the rising infection numbers, we need to avoid any additional burden on our health and emergency services. I’m grateful to the Scottish Government, Public Health, NHS and Police for their engagement with our teams to keep the City as safe as possible as we grapple with these challenges through the festive period. 

“I would encourage everyone to continue following the guidance and to please celebrate Hogmanay safely and responsibly.”

Depute Leader Cammy Day said: “A huge amount of work has gone into the planning of this year’s events and I would like to thank Council staff, Underbelly and our other event partners for all their efforts in what have been difficult and ever-evolving circumstances.

“I know many people will be disappointed but I’m sure they will understand the reasons behind the decision. We can look forward to Edinburgh returning to its rightful place as the home of Hogmanay next year.”

In response to the First Minister’s announcement today of further restrictions and increased financial support for businesses, Scottish Licensed Trade Association Managing Director, Colin Wilkinson said: “This afternoon’s announcement by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon that pubs and other hospitality venues selling alcohol must reintroduce table service and one-metre physical distancing between groups of customers from December 27 for a period of three weeks could well be the knock-out blow for many in the battered and bruised licensed hospitality sector in Scotland.

“The limit of 100 people for indoor standing events and 200 for indoor seating events – although this does not apply to private life events such as weddings – will hugely impact on the late-night industry which has been hit particularly hard since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic.

“In addition, the cancellation of large-scale events such as Edinburgh’s Hogmanay will have a knock-on effect on the licensed hospitality sector.

“However, the damage was done when Public Health Scotland advised deferring Christmas parties until another time. Endorsed by the Scottish Government the next day, this led to a slew of cancellations and, effectively, the end of any chance the licensed hospitality sector of clawing back lost business at what is traditionally the busiest trading period of the year.

“That said, the key focus for the Scottish Government must now be to ensure that the £66 million aid package announced last week for the hospitality sector is made available as soon as possible.”

The SLTA is particularly angered that part of the previously announced £100m funding will not be specifically directed to those businesses that need it the most.

Businesses such as cafes, takeaways and even multinational fast-food outlets which have not experienced the decimation that has been caused to the licensed hospitality sector at this vital trading period will now receive the same level of support funding as those hit by the PHS messaging to defer Christmas parties in Scotland’s pubs, bars and restaurants.

New research from the Night-Time Industries Association (NTIA) shows that:-

  • Average sales are down 52% across the sector in December so far, with the average loss of income now £56,000 per premises for the first two weeks of December alone, and this trend is accelerating.
  • Half of premises reported more than 50% of jobs are at risk while 20% of premises report 90% or more of jobs are at immediate risk – these figures are as worrying as they are startling.
  • When asked how long they can survive without the arrival of cash support, 43% said they can survive less than one month, 25% can survive up to two months, 20% can survive up to three months and 12% can survive up to four months.
  • This is the stark reality of the situation for Scotland’s licensed hospitality sector. Many are also carrying huge debt as a direct result of Covid – bars are averaging £169,200 debt, nightclubs/hybrids/event spaces are averaging £167,000 while pubs are averaging a Covid debt of £101,600.

Wilkinson continued: “It is utterly indefensible that taking into account the crisis the licensed hospitality sector and the supply sector is facing, the losses that have occurred within the industry in December alone and the bleak future facing operators and staff, other businesses will effectively receive a ‘bonus’ from the public purse”.

“We understand the original £100m funding will be available in early January and the distribution of the additional funding of £275m announced today, will become available towards the end of January.

“New Government operating guidelines for the sector will be published soon, but they will be towards the latter half of the week leaving little time for operators and staff to adjust to the new regulations.”

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