Scotland signs up to UNICEF declaration on children, youth and climate action

Scotland has committed to honour the rights of children in the fight against the climate crisis, by signing the UNICEF declaration on children, youth and climate action.

The declaration, which was drafted by children and young people, calls on signatories to uphold the priorities of children and youth throughout the world in the implementation of the Paris Agreement.

Signatories commit to advocating for children’s inalienable right to a healthy environment and to enhancing the meaningful participation of children and young people in climate change discussion and action.

Scotland recently hosted the UN Conference of Youth ahead of COP26 and has invested almost £1 million in a programme to engage young people in the climate conference and legacy activity.

The First Minister formally signed the declaration during COP26, and the launch event is being attended by the Minister for Green Skills, Circular Economy and Green Skills Lorna Slater. Scotland becomes the 28th country to have signed up so far.

The First Minister said: “Children and young people are driving climate action and it is vital that we listen to their views and harness their passion at COP26 and beyond.

“The global climate crisis is a children’s rights crisis.  So we must make sure that the rights of children and young people are promoted and protected as we tackle it. To do this, we have to give young people a place at the table and a role in decision-making, so they have a real voice in how we respond to a threat that will shape their lives.

“I am proud that Scotland is joining nations across the world in signing this declaration, and committing to listening to and respecting the needs and wishes of young people as we work to deliver the goals of the Paris climate agreement.

“Signing the Intergovernmental Declaration on Children, Youth and Climate Action is an important step all governments can take to formally recognise a child’s right to a healthy environment.

“Here in Scotland we are determined to deliver the highest protection possible for children’s rights, which is why we remain committed to becoming the first devolved nation in the world to directly incorporate the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) into domestic law, to the maximum extent possible.”

Assistant Chief Constable Gary Ritchie last night thanked the people of Glasgow for enabling Police Scotland to deliver a safe and secure COP26.

Assistant Chief Constable Gary Ritchie said: “Today we continued to support the visit of puppet Little Amal to Glasgow, and facilitated a number of protests.

“I hope this spirit continues right through the conference closure as, over the past few weeks, we have sought to provide a proportionate policing response to any potential protests, balancing the needs and rights of those wishing to demonstrate or protest against the needs of the wider community.

“The wider community really means the people of Glasgow whose patience and understanding, while managing significant disruption to their daily routines, have been a key part of enabling us to deliver a safe and secure global event.

“So I would like to thank them for being so welcoming to our visitors and for being so accommodating of the large police presence and security measures – the people of the city have made this such a positive experience for those of us who have been working day and night, some of us away from home and families, on what is the largest policing operation seen in the UK for many years.

“Our stated commitment was always that the people and communities of Scotland would still receive the same high standard of service that they are accustomed to for the duration of the conference. With this in mind, we established dedicated local policing teams to ensure that local areas had the resources they require to address local community concerns throughout COP26.

“It is important to us that we understand what the experience of COP26 has been for people in Glasgow and Scotland. For this reason, we want to hear from those who have attended or experienced our policing of these events in Scotland recently.

“We value your views, so please take part in our short survey about how we are policing COP26. And lastly, thank you to all those who have taken part and left us with great memories of Glasgow and COP26.

“Eight people were arrested today with minimal disruption to the city centre and to the people who live and work there.”

Blooming Beautiful! Awards celebrate our climate and nature friendly neighbourhoods

18 Edinburgh community groups recognised for commitment to keeping Scotland beautiful

Today, 11 November, over 200 community groups from across Scotland have been recognised by environmental charity, Keep Scotland Beautiful, for their efforts to support and enhance their local communities, for the climate and for nature. 

At a virtual 2021 Beautiful Scotland and It’s Your Neighbourhood Seminar and celebration event, 18 It’s Your Neighbourhood entrants from Edinburgh were congratulated for their efforts with a certificate of achievement (see table below), with four also receiving a Certificate of Distinction for continuous improvement. 

In addition, Friends of Starbank Park also won second place in the NatureScot It’s Your Neighbourhood Pollinator Friendly Awards.

Catherine Gee, Deputy CEO of Keep Scotland Beautiful said: “With the world’s biggest and most important climate change conference to date taking place in Glasgow this week, it is brilliant to be celebrating the work of these communities in Edinburgh who are taking action now. 

“We know that across Scotland people are committed to improving and enhancing the places that they care about.  And, through the It’s Your Neighbourhood entrants we hear of people doing their bit to understand their own greenhouse emissions and to support nature in the places they care about.  These people are making a real difference and I would like to thank them for inspiring us every day.”

This year, three NatureScot It’s Your Neighbourhood Pollinator Friends Awards were presented at the seminar and Friends of Starbank Park, scooped second place, winning £150.

Jim Jeffrey, Pollinator Strategy Manager with NatureScot, who announced the award said: “Once again the Keep Scotland Beautiful Pollinator Friendly Award has attracted a host of interesting entries.  The standard just gets better each year.

“Making space for nature, as we face up to the twin threat of climate change and biodiversity loss, has never been more important, and each of the community groups in this category have impressed with the range of actions they are taking.

“The winning projects were among a of number of great examples showing how working together we can help pollinators, whilst making our communities and green spaces more appealing, and fantastic places to spend time in.”

The annual seminar celebrated everything that the entrants, from 30 local authority areas, have achieved in their communities to combat climate change and support biodiversity.

Entrants have also worked to enhance their neighbourhoods, involve the community, and improve areas through gardening and horticulture while tackling litter and other environmental quality challenges. 

Speakers included representatives from various entrants from across Scotland, sharing their inspiring stories and delegates also heard about the exciting opportunity to get involved with Scotland’s Climate Festival.

It’s Your Neighbourhood entrants were visited by one of 23 trained volunteer assessors who provide their support, expertise and guidance through the It’s Your Neighbourhood framework which is a part of the UK-wide RHS Britain in Bloom campaign. 

RHS Community Development Manager Kay Clark said: “Community gardening groups are showing that, through their work, they can bring communities together, transform outdoor spaces and work in support of wildlife and the local environment.

“They are showing that gardening has a role to play in addressing the challenges that we collectively face and that is every reason to celebrate.”

If you would like to join the #OurBloom family, gain access to support and advice, and help us to keep Scotland beautiful, online registration for 2022 will open in mid-January on the Keep Scotland Beautiful website.

The Edinburgh entrants and their results can be found in the table below:

Group NameLocal authority areaIYN Certificate 2021Level 2021Certificate of Distinction 2021
Balerno Village GardenersCity of EdinburghOutstanding5Y
Craigentinny Community Gardening ProjectCity of EdinburghImproving2 
Ferry Road AllotmentsCity of EdinburghOutstanding5 
Friends of Granton Castle Walled GardenCity of EdinburghThriving4Y
Friends of Lauriston Castle EstateCity of EdinburghAdvancing3 
Friends of Morningside CemeteryCity of EdinburghThriving4 
Friends of Saughton ParkCity of EdinburghOutstanding5 
Friends of Starbank Park (NatureScot IYN Pollinator Friendly Award – second place)City of EdinburghOutstanding5Y
Heart of NewhavenCity of EdinburghAdvancing3 
Inch View Care HomeCity of EdinburghThriving4 
Inspiring HillsideCity of EdinburghAdvancing3 
Inverleith AllotmentsCity of EdinburghOutstanding5 
Kirkliston in BloomCity of EdinburghEstablishing1 
Lochend Community Growing ProjectCity of EdinburghOutstanding5Y
Northfield Community Growing GroupCity of EdinburghAdvancing3 
The Lions’ GateCity of EdinburghAdvancing3 
The Sorted ProjectCity of EdinburghImproving2 
Victoria After School ClubCity of EdinburghThriving4