Hospital visiting guidance

We know visits from loved ones can help with recovery. Please help us keep everyone safe by following this guidance:

  1. To ensure that there are not high numbers of people in multi-bedded rooms we need to work with you to plan visits.
  2. Please do not visit if you have COVID symptoms or have been identified as a contact of someone who is.
  3. On arrival please check-in with a member of the ward team who will make sure that it is safe to visit.
  4. Each patient may have two designated visitors (this can be changed throughout the stay if required).
  5. If both visitors are from the same household, they may visit together. If they are not, they must visit separately.
  6. Visitors must have had both doses of the Covid vaccine, the second dose more than 14 days before any visit.
  7. Unfortunately, children and young people under 16 will not usually be able to visit.
  8. These arrangements may vary. In certain circumstances more than two people may visit, e.g. when patients are nearing the end of life, or for patients with dementia whose distress may be eased by the presence of a relative or carer.
  9. You must wear a face covering during your visit and follow infection control guidance.
  10. We want to ensure that our patients have close contact with you during the visit, therefore holding hands is permitted but you must adhere to hand hygiene requirements. You do not need to wear gloves.
  11. During outbreaks we may need to amend our guidance to maintain safety.
  12. Please maintain physical distancing in communal areas of the hospital.
  13. The name and contact details of those visiting will be kept should we need to inform NHS SCotland Test and Protect.

Thank you for following our guidance and helping keep everyone safe.

We encourage all visitors to take a voluntary Lateral Flow Test prior to visiting. Information on how to order Lateral Flow Tests is available on the Scottish Government’s website. Tests can also be collected from COVID testing centres in the afternoon or early evenings. If you do not wish to have a test or are not able to, you will still be permitted to visit.

It is essential you do not visit if you have any of the symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19)

  • a persistent cough
  • flu-like symptoms
  • fever
  • new loss of taste or smell

It is also essential that you should not visit if you have been identified as a close contact of someone who has tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19); you should remain at home for the required isolation period, which is currently 14 days.

In order to keep our patients as safe as possible, the guidance may need to be amended at short notice. If this is the case, we will tell you why and keep it under review where possible.

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