MSP urges UK Government to house Afghan refugees in empty MoD homes at Redford Barracks

SNP MSP for Edinburgh Pentlands, Gordon MacDonald, is urging the UK Government to use the 160 unused homes, formerly used as accommodation for MoD staff, to house refugees fleeing the situation in Afghanistan.

Edinburgh Council leader, Adam McVey, recently wrote to the UK Government calling for an increase in the number of Afghan refugees the UK should be welcoming and Gordon MacDonald has said “there is a clear opportunity here to use the empty MoD houses to house these refugee families in the Capital.”

The homes, which are mostly situated around Redford Barracks, have been left empty for numerous years and the local MSP has repeatedly called for action to bring this vacant housing into use. MacDonald has said “it’s not right that these homes lie empty and it is in the gift of the UK government to put them to good use.”

Earlier this year it was revealed that nearly 11,000 MoD homes were empty across the UK, with 900 unused in Scotland.

SNP MSP for Edinburgh Pentlands, Gordon MacDonald, said: “For years now, I have been doing everything I can to get the empty MoD homes in my constituency – and right across Scotland – to be used to help people whose lives would benefit immensely from being housed in the properties.

“Yet again, we see another example where the UK government could make the most of the hundreds of empty properties across our country.  

“The situation in Afghanistan is truly horrific. The refugees are fleeing a horrific situation and we need to be doing everything we can to accept our responsibility and help those who arrive in this country.

“In Edinburgh, we are ready to accept and welcome Afghan families – and as we currently have around 160 homes that are still owned by the MoD but no one has lived in them for at least five years, it seems like a missed opportunity to not use this housing to house refugees in safe and warm homes where they can start to rebuild their lives.

Boris Johnson should commit to maximising these unused sites like the one at Redford Barracks to allow the UK to take in more refugees, who have had their lives turned upside down, and take responsibility for the situation.”

Scottish Child Payment helps more than 108,000 children

More than 108,000 children have benefited from the Scottish Government’s new Scottish Child Payment according to the latest official statistics. The figures highlight how many families and children received the payment from introduction in February to 30 June 2021.

The £10 per week benefit, unique to Scotland, has the potential to help around 133,000 children (averaged over this financial year) according to Scottish Fiscal Commission forecasts published last week.

The Scottish Child Payment supports low-income families with children aged under six. It provides regular, additional financial support for families in receipt of qualifying benefits to assist with the costs of caring for a child. The payment will be made available to children aged 6-15 by the end of 2022.

Parents and carers are able to apply for all eligible children in their household in a single application and can also apply for other benefits for children under six – Best Start Grant and Best Start Foods at the same time.

Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, Housing and Local Government, Shona Robison said: “Tackling child poverty is a national mission for this government and I am proud that we are already supporting over one hundred thousand children through this brand new benefit. The Scottish Child Payment is unparalleled across the UK and unique in being a benefit to tackle child poverty head on.

“Ahead of the rollout to under 16s by the end of 2022, we have introduced bridging payments worth the same as Scottish Child Payment. This £520 a year will be paid in 2021 and 2022 to provide immediate support to around 145,000 children and young people of school age.

“We are making significant investment to tackle child poverty. Taken together, our investment in bridging payments and the Scottish Child Payment will total £145 million this year, allowing us to reach as many low income families as possible right now.

“The Scottish Child Payment together with the three Best Start Grant payments and Best Start Foods could give families on low incomes up to £5,200 by the time their first child turns six.

“We have also committed to significantly increasing the level of Scottish Child Payment, following the planned rollout to 6 to 15 year olds, in order to maximise the impact on child poverty, with the full £20 payment being achieved within the lifetime of the Parliament.

“This Government will continue to use the limited powers we have to tackle poverty and inequality and create a fairer Scotland.”

Full details on the statistics are available to view at