Scottish Amey apprentices and graduates help raise more than £11,000 for Cancer Research UK

Amey apprentices and graduates took part in the Amey Early Careers Challenge fundraising over £11,000 for Amey’s employee chosen charity, Cancer Research UK. 

The 29 apprentices and graduates split into five regional teams and were set a target of four weeks to raise as much money as possible for Cancer Research UK. 

The teams came up with an array of fundraising initiatives and ideas including playing tennis non-stop for 12 hours, rollerblading whilst being hit with wet sponges, 1000 consecutive press ups and recycling old pallets into pieces of furniture. 

The challenge was a great opportunity for the young people to improve their organisation, communication and time management skills as well as working on their professional development and having an opportunity to network with peers and stakeholders. 

The phenomenal amount raised was particularly impressive as the teams had to overcome the difficulties that Covid restrictions provided, and the fact that most of the participants had never taken part in fundraising before and only had four weeks to raise the money.  

Mark Taylor who was a member of the Scotland and Northern Ireland team found the challenge tough but very rewarding.  He said, “The challenge helped me discover that I am stronger than I think, it was tough to push myself, but I did it knowing I had the support of many people.”  

Mark was the biggest individual fundraiser accumulating over £3000 in donations for playing tennis for 12-hours straight. 

Emma Scott also found the challenge helped her step outside her comfort zone.  She said, “I am usually quiet in meetings, but I had to talk to my team to organise plans.  I also had to speak at the quiz I organised, and I wouldn’t normally speak in front of large groups.” 

Eve Mitchell, Head of Partnerships Management at Cancer Research UK, said, “We’ve been so impressed with how Amey employees taking part in the Early Careers Challenge embraced the opportunity to work together and raise vital funds to help beat cancer.

“Their enthusiasm and dedication to the challenge is inspiring and we’re very grateful to each and every one of them for their support of our life-saving work.”    

David Fawcett, Amey’s Social Value Manager added: “To fundraise over £11,000 for Cancer Research UK in a four-week period is exceptional, our apprentices and graduates should all be very proud of what they have achieved.

“I have been really impressed by their ingenuity in thinking up different fundraising ideas and how they worked together to achieve their goals.”  

The event concluded with a virtual celebration event where Amey’s CEO Amanda Fisher announced the winners of the following awards: 

“Best Teamwork” – Anthony Towey 

“Most Innovative Idea” – Daoud Hamdani 

“Most Innovative Idea” – Will Shipley 

“Special Recognition Award” – Janet Forster, Patrick O’Callaghan, and Ben Crampton 

“Top Individual Fundraiser” – Mark Taylor 

“Overall Winners 2021” – Team Scotland and Northern Ireland 

Amey’s partnership with Cancer Research UK focuses on three core strands: raising awareness of cancer, fundraising and volunteer work. 

This will help Amey employees have the information they need to be aware of their own and others health, as well as helping Cancer Research UK continue its work to beat cancer.  

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