It was wonderful to see the clean air movement come together for Clean Air Day 2020 at the postponed date of 8 October. For clean air has never been more important.
This report showcases what businesses, schools, community groups, charities, NHS organisations, universities and champions got up to on Clean Air Day 2020.
We want to thank everyone who took part in the day, from those who left the car at home to walk, scoot or cycle to school or work, to those who closed roads, from those who wrote to their MP, to those who planned or attended digital events, thank you for making Clean Air Day 2020 such a huge success.

A reminder Clean Air Day 2021 will be held on the 17 June.
We’ll be in touch later in the year on details of the campaign, if you have ideas or suggestions of activities you’d like to see as part of this year’s campaign, please do share them with us at cleanerair@globalactionplan.org.uk.
Best wishes,
The Clean Air Day team