Edinburgh residents urged to have their say on Women and Employment post-COVID-19

The First Minister’s National Advisory Council on Women and Girls (NACWG) is calling on residents in Edinburgh to share their views on gender equality issues in relation to Women and Employment post COVID-19.

Progression and opportunities for women in the workplace has been significantly impacted by the pandemic. Pay cuts, furlough and redundancies are just some of the employment issues that have stemmed from COVID-19, while other women have struggled to balance work  and caring  commitments within the pandemic restrictions. 

The Advisory Council wants to shine a spotlight on the impact that women in different sectors are facing as a result of COVID-19 and their perspectives on the recovery.

The NACWG was formed to support the drive for an equal society for women and girls in every community across Scotland by raising the issue of gender inequality. Focusing on a new Spotlight theme on a bi-monthly basis, the Advisory Council encourages people to share ideas and opinions on different gender equality issues.

Louise Macdonald OBE, Co-Chair of The NACWG, said: “Despite some progress in  narrowing the gender gap, the COVID-19 pandemic has  dialled back some of that progress and also created new barriers for women in relation to employment. It’s vital  that women are  at the forefront of the employment recovery to prevent longer term implications for gender equality and for society as a whole.

“The Advisory Council is inviting groups, organisations and networks in Edinburgh, to share their experiences, opinions and ideas around the Spotlight. Every bit of feedback will help us gather more insight and help drive action in creating long-lasting change for women and girls in Scotland.”

To participate in this national conversation, groups, organisations and networks are encouraged to form a virtual Wee Circle to discuss issues surrounding inequalities in employment post COVID-19 and share ideas on how this can be tackled. 

Feedback from these Wee Circle discussions, as well as individual feedback, can be submitted online at onescotland.org/NACWG

Thoughts can also be shared on social media using the hashtag #GenerationEqual.

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