Pressure has mounted on the Prime Minister to provide a vital lifeline to millions of families across the UK after a House of Commons debate and vote on Monday evening to extend benefit increases which is worth £20 per week.
Millions of low -income households across the UK could see their incomes fall dramatically in April if the uplift in universe credit ends.
It is estimated that around 16 million people will be in households facing an overnight income loss equivalent to £1,040 a year, with those on the lowest incomes and families with children being hardest hit.
In an instant, 700,000 more people risk being pulled into poverty, including 300,000 children, and 500,000 more of those already in poverty will be plunged deeper into poverty (more than 50% below the poverty line).
Christians Against Poverty along with other charities are urging the Prime Minister to back the ‘Keep the Lifeline’ campaign and support making it permanent for those on Universal and tax credits.
Emma Jackson, National Director of CAP in Scotland said, “The uplift has been a lifeline for people and to remove it would cause devastating effects. We are urging the government to keep the £20 Universal credit uplift in place, and extend it to those on legacy benefits.
“Introducing this was a bold and compassionate measure made by the government and this one action has prevented hundreds of thousands of families across the UK from being pulled further under by the tide of poverty. We know right now that things are incredibly difficult for those on the lowest of incomes and they need financial support.
“We are delighted that significant support has been displayed today in favour of keeping the £20 a week uplift on UC and tax credits. Introducing the £20 a week uplift has been a vital lifeline for so many of our clients at CAP. This one action has prevented hundreds of thousands of families across the UK from being pulled under by the tide of poverty.
“However, we’re extremely disappointed that the government has yet to take the opportunity to extend the uplift. This will put extra pressure and uncertainty on so many families, including pushing families into debt to meet essential costs.
“For those already worried about debt, CAP and other free debt help charities are still here and still working to help those overcome the weight of debt.”