Adult education online courses starting next week


Hope you are settled back in after Christmas and New Year. Our adult education courses are starting back next week and am taking this opportunity to highlight some wellbeing opportunities that you might be able to share in your networks. 

Tuesdays 12.30-1.30pm Pilates Post Beginner – suitable for people working from home in need of some toning exercise as well! Designed for those working from home, but anyone in need of some mid-day exercise can join.

Pilates is a movement/exercise system designed to build dynamic strength and increase your flexibility, stability and mobility. It is a way of re-educating and re-patterning your mind-body by becoming aware of your movements and connecting with your deeper muscles.

The Pilates Method improves your overall functioning and health – not just physically, but mentally and emotionally too. It is both gentle and challenging, focusing on moving easily, efficiently and pain-free. This course will focus on these elements, providing you with a gentle but strengthening workout.

Wednesdays 10.30-12 noon for Beginner Mindfulness to help relax MINDFULNESS (awareness of the present moment) is taught through cultivating Meditation skills which include bringing a kind attention to the breath and body during stillness and movement in a curious non-judgemental way, noticing what is going on in your body, your mind and in the world around you.

HOW THE COURSE WILL BE TAUGHT: Experience of guided practices (Tutor Led) including sitting Meditation, bodyscan and Mindful movement. Encouraged to engage in daily home practice of short (15-20 minutes) meditations to gain the most benefit. Discussion – reflection of experience of home practices. Support and guidance in applying Mindfulness to everyday activities. Short readings and poems.

Thursdays 16.30-17.00 for Health Meditation and Breathing

Is lockdown taking a toll on you? Are you feeling overwhelmed, stressed, anxious, depressed or exhausted? Do you find difficult to focus, relax or even sleep? Are your emotions like a roller coaster lately?

This course will help you navigate the current uncertain times and discover there are actually easy, effective and pleasant ways of managing these emotional states.

Fridays 10.45am-11.15 plus YouTube video Tai Chi Beginners   (new class being added because other beginner class full) Beginners Course: Is to introduce you to Yang Style Tai-Chi Chuan.

This will cover the fundamental aims and principles of Tai-Chi Chuan, including an introduction to the philosophy underpinning this. Additionally, we will learn some warm up exercise routines, that will enable, through practice, to establish a foundation and develop agile movements to relax and soften muscles and tissue. This brings movement into areas of the body, where tension and stiffness may already exist.
email if interested

Fridays 12.20-13.30 Mindbody Stretching 

Stiff, tense or stressed? Increase your flexibility/mobility in a PLEASANT painless way, prevent muscle/joint soreness and release tension from your body and mind.

Deep and relaxing stretching system, focused on improving flexibility/mobility for the long term, that will help you reduce stress and calm the mind.

Costs can be found by clicking on the link but roughly the cost for the standard fee is £31.40 and £15.75 for students, senior citizens or people receiving benefits, for an 8 week term.

Thank you for anything you can do to spread the word – there are also many other courses on the website but hopefully these courses might be a good fit for local groups or individuals you know. 

Fiona Henderson 

Lifelong Learning Development Officer 

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