Soul Sanity – the UK’s online mental health gym – has launched, supporting members to focus on improving their mental health from the comfort of their own homes.
The membership-based service offers a range of activities that are scientifically proven to relieve stress and anxiety, improve mindfulness and encourage the release of the “feel good” hormone dopamine.
Holly Novick, Founder, said: “There are so many gyms out there for your physical health but nothing that focuses specifically on your mental health.
“Soul Sanity is truly unique in that way. It was something I personally felt I needed during a time of grief. I needed an outlet to feel better but all I got was fist-pumping music lifting weights, one to one therapy sessions which I found difficult to open up in and suggestions for tablets which I thought could be a slippery road.
“I also didn’t want to mask how I was feeling, I knew my body was acting this way as a signal because something was wrong. I needed a fix not a quick fix so Soul Sanity’s really been an idea in the making for a while and coincidently the pandemic has hit at the same time perhaps making it the perfect storm”.

Unlike other platforms, all sessions are broadcast live, with a large variety available to participate in including:
- Mindfulness – To relax the senses, reset and unwind
- Art for Art’s Sake – Finding new ways to express creativity
- Mastermind – Focus on learning new skills from languages to chess
- Kid’s Corner – Fun and educational activities to enjoy with children
- Food Glorious Food – Connecting through the power of food
- Musical Genius – Mood-boosting music sessions, from guitar to singing
- Garden Life – Connecting with nature in our own back garden
- Tender, Love & Care (TLC) – Online support from qualified psychotherapists
Anyone can join soulsanity.co.uk with a one-month free trial on offer at soulsanity.co.uk/memberships. Gift cards are also available to share with loved ones during the festive season and throughout the year.