COVID: More than 53,000 heath and social care staff in Scotland seek psychological support

More than 53,000 health and social care staff have received psychological support from the National Wellbeing Hub since it was launched in May, Health Secretary Jeane Freeman announced yesterday.

Established during the first phase of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the hub supports all health and social care workers, including unpaid carers, who need help due to COVID-19, alongside a new 24/7 National Wellbeing helpline.

The hub helps people facing challenging situations at home or at work and includes digital programmes designed to help manage stress and reduce anxiety.

Trained practitioners at NHS24 offer callers to the helpline a compassionate and empathic listening service based on the principles of psychological first aid, as well as advice, signposting and onward referral to local services if required.nvnvnv

Health Secretary Jeane Freeman said: “We are all deeply grateful for the continued hard work, commitment and professionalism of those working in health and social care services. With a second phase of COVID-19 and additional winter pressures, I know our frontline workers continue to face increased anxiety and fatigue due to the unprecedented public health challenge we continue to face.

“The Hub has already helped more than 53,000 people and I hope all health and social services workers in hospitals and in the community make use of the high quality resources and advice available on managing stress and anxiety, fatigue, sleep, relaxation and exercise. For those who need one-on-one support, our wellbeing support line continues to provide around the clock help.

“I would also encourage everyone, especially those who receive health and social care support, to remember the challenges facing key workers and continue to thank them for their incredible work.

“We are continuing to monitor the impact of the pandemic on our valued workforce and will do our best to ensure that appropriate support services are put in place to help them.”

To access the helpline, health and social care staff should dial 0800 111 4191.

The National Wellbeing Hub is designed to be the first point of contact for all employed health and social care staff but also for their families, as well as unpaid carers and volunteers looking for support.

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