Lauriston Castle is in danger from it’s Trustees who have mismanaged Lauriston Castle over many years, say Friends campaigners.
The castle and grounds were left to the Nation in 1926 by Mr & Mrs Reid. There are rooms in the Castle that the public have not been allowed to see contrary to Mr & Mrs Reid’s Will and Trust Deed.
There are treasures that the Trustees have allowed to significantly deteriorate/be damaged and not restored.

· why there is only £42,000 in the endowment fund when the Trustees were left the equivalent of over £2,000,000 and the potential to increase that amount?
· why over £190,000 of Council Taxpayers money is not recorded in the Lauriston Castle Trust Accounts?
· when are the Trustees going to restore Lauriston Castle Glasshouse (above) and other historic monuments?
· when are the Trustees going to restore the grounds to their former glory envisaged by the donors, Mr & Mrs Reid?

A stand needs to be made to restore Lauriston Castle to it’s rightful glory.
To this end you may wish to join Friends of Lauriston Castle where you can have your say and hear of action that needs to be taken: