Patients sign up for COVID-19 clinical trial

Over 100 patients are taking part in a clinical trial for COVID-19 treatment at NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. 

Patients in Glasgow have started receiving potential treatment for COVID-19 as part of a clinical trial at NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, with 120 patients recruited so far. The RECOVERY clinical trial is one of the fastest growing trials looking at potential treatment of COVID-19.

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde anaesthetists, respiratory physicians, emergency medicine consultants, pharmacy teams and nurses are leading the board’s involvement in this UK-wide study, funded by the UK government.

The RECOVERY trial aims to find effective treatment for coronavirus patients by testing pre-existing medicine. This includes steroids, antivirals and antimalarial agents. Antibiotics may also be added at a future amendment.

The trial is adaptive in design so treatments that show promise will be used more frequently.

All patients with COVID-19 that are treated at Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Glasgow Royal Infirmary, IRH and RAH will be offered to take part in the clinical trial. It is a randomised-controlled trial where patients are given an active drug or standard care.

This is part of NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde’s efforts to move forward research and development related to COVID-19 as fast as possible.

Dr Jennifer Armstrong, Medical Director of NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, welcomed the move and said: “Our teams have been incredible in rising up to the challenge of COVID-19.

“Not just in the care and treatment of patients but also their dedication to improving our knowledge of the virus through clinical trials. This means our patients are receiving the most up to date treatment available.”

Professor Julie Brittenden, Research and Development Director, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, said: “I want to thank all of our staff for their efforts during this incredibly challenging time.

“Our research, development and innovation teams are working hard to improve the diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19.

“We’ve been able to rapidly mobilise our teams to take part in clinical trials like RECOVERY and this is a testament to their dedication to the cause.”

Dr Kathryn Puxty, Intensive Care Consultant at Glasgow Royal Infirmary, said: “As we care for more and more patients with COVID-19, we are seeing first-hand the need for effective treatment.

“We will be asking patients with COVID-19 who we treat in hospital, if they want to be involved in this study in the hope that we can improve care as quickly as possible.”

Working with partners across UK, Scotland is leading, enabling and delivering world-class COVID-19 research as part of coordinated efforts to gather reliable evidence.

Facilitated through the Chief Scientist Office (CSO) of Scottish Government and NHS Research Scotland, a single, national prioritisation process for COVID-19 research draws on expert advice across the UK. This prioritises studies which hold the most potential, prevents duplication of effort and ensures the resources and capacity of the health care system are not exceeded.

Charles Weller, General Manager, NHS Research Scotland said: “RECOVERY has been the fastest growing clinical trial in medical history; and a crucial part of our efforts to better understand and tackle COVID-19. I want to thank all teams for their commitment and professionalism to this national priority study.”

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