NHS Lothian praises staff as health watchdog publishes inspection report

NHS Lothian has ‘welcomed’ the publication of Healthcare Improvement Scotland’s Royal Hospital for Sick Children (RHSC) and Department of Clinical Neurosciences (DCN) inspection report.

In July 2019, the Royal Hospital for Sick Children and the Department of Neurosciences at the Western General Hospital were delayed moving to a new site on the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh campus.

The Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport requested Healthcare Improvement Scotland carry out an inspection to specifically provide assurance of patient safety with regard to infection prevention and control at the two hospital sites, given that the existing sites are now expected to remain open for the next year.

Inspection findings for both hospital sites have been included in one report.

Inspection focus

  • Standard 6: Infection prevention and control policies, procedures and guidance, and
  • Standard 8: Decontamination.

Healthcare Improvement Scotland inspected the following areas:

Royal Hospital for Sick Children

  • accident and emergency department
  • theatre department
  •  ward 1 (respiratory)
  •  ward 2 (haematology and oncology)
  • ward 4 (orthopaedic and spinal surgical)
  • ward 5 (acute medical), and
  •  ward 6 (acute medical).

Department of Clinical Neurosciences

  •  ward 31, and
  • ward 33.

What the hospitals did well

  • Good level of environmental cleanliness.
  • Good staff compliance with standard infection control precautions.
  • Positive patient and carer feedback.

What the hospitals could do better

  • The fabric of the built environment must be maintained to enable effective cleaning.
  • All patient equipment is provided and maintained in a condition which allows effective cleaning and is stored safely to minimise the risk of cross infection.

The report (below) highlights areas of strength and weakness as well as areas for further improvements, including requirements and recommendations.



Ian Smith, Head of Quality of Care, Healthcare Improvement Scotland, said: “During our inspection we found a number of issues including damage to flooring, walls and paintwork across both hospital sites, but we also saw that some areas of the Royal Hospital for Sick Children had recently been redecorated.

“Staff told us they regularly report issues and that they are dealt with in a timely fashion. We saw evidence that NHS Lothian has considered the necessary measures needed to continue to deliver services at both sites, until they move to new premises.

“Moreover, staff we spoke with told us that senior staff were visible on the wards to explain the situation and offer support and reassurance that the site would be maintained in order to provide an environment for safe patient care.”

Responding to the report, Professor Alex McMahon, Director of Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Healthcare Professionals and Executive Lead for Infection Control, NHS Lothian said: “It is great to see so many positive findings within the HIS inspection report.

“In what has been a difficult year for our RHSC and DCN departments, it is clear that our staff continue to deliver exceptional patient care day in, day out and for this I would like to say a big thank you.

“The patient and carer quotes within the report are particularly good to read. Comments such as “Everything is spotless” and “I have never seen such a clean hospital” really do reflect the hard work that goes on not just clinically, but by our domestic and facilities staff as well.

“The report picks up on damage to the fabric of the existing RHSC and DCN facilities and makes recommendations and requirements that we fully accept. Within both areas, we have implemented an improvement and maintenance programme to ensure that the facilities and equipment within them are fit for purpose, meet our patients’ needs and ensure consistency of quality care.”

The full inspection report is available to view at:


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