20 money saving tips for 2020

Penny pinching Brits have been urged to keep their receipts and ditch contactless cards if they want to watch their wallets and save money in 2020.

A team of money savers from NetVoucherCodes.co.uk have revealed 20 top cost-cutting tips to make serious savings in 2020.

Whether saving for a house deposit, a new car, or simply for a rainy day, making small changes to your lifestyle can soon see the pennies pile up.

A spokesperson from NetVoucherCodes.co.uk said: “When you’re starting from scratch, saving money can seem like a long, arduous and near impossible task – but all it really takes is making a series of small changes, and sticking to them!

“From starting a loose change jar and keeping an eye out for yellow stickers to entertaining at home and staying warm smartly, these tips and tricks will help Brits’ money go further.”

1. Create a budget
Taking a step back to create a budget will open your eyes to where all your money has, is and will be spent, and make it straightforward to cut out unnecessary outgoings in the future; make spreadsheets your new best friend.

2. Leave the gym
Fitness fans can reduce the strain of gym memberships on their personal finances by going for a run on the streets, taking up an alternative sport or improvising their own exercise routines at home.

3. Ditch contactless cards
Having up to £30 of impulse purchases available at the mere tap of plastic is not healthy for Brits’ bank balances.
Try sticking to cold hard cash for small purchases like the good old days – this will allow you to keep better track of personal finances and make it easier to assess if you’re getting good value items for the money being physically handed over.

4. Get smart to stay warm
Save on heating costs by keeping an extra jumper on at home, plugging any little gaps around the house to draft-proof, closing curtains to hold warmth indoors, moving furniture to unblock radiators and investing in a cost rug or hot water bottle.

5. Keep receipts
Hanging on to receipts helps with week to week budgeting and could mean you avoid shelling out for costly replacements if something needs to be returned or replaced whilst it’s still under warranty.

6. Start a loose change jar
Instead of letting coppers collect dust down the back of the sofa, place an empty jar in the kitchen for all of the family to throw their 1p, 2p and 5p coins into.
Higher value change can be included too of course, and the pot will eventually be able to fund some spending that won’t come out of your monthly income.

7. Cut electrical and water bills
To fight rising utilities prices, stop leaving electrical gadgets on standby when they’re not in use and always turn off the lights in unoccupied rooms.
Water usage and costs can also be reduced by taking a quick shower instead of a long bath and using sink or cooking water to quench plants’ thirst.

8. Pass on takeaway coffee
Skip grabbing a coffee on the way into work every morning and instead make one at home in a flash or reusable cup to save money on a daily basis.
At lunch time, have one before leaving the office or upon returning, rather than a brew from a chain on the go.

9. Walk, walk, walk
Vehicles are expensive to own, fuel and maintain, whilst most public transport is not as affordable as it used to be.
So to save significant money in the new year, ditch the price bus, car or train whenever possible, in favour of travelling on foot – which is free.
If it’s within a mile or two, try walking to work, the shops, friends or family and any activities; going for a leisurely stroll could become a cheap alternative hobby in itself, too.

10. Look for yellow stickers
When in the supermarket, hunt for items that have been marked with a yellow sticker due to their use by or best before date, or the condition of packaging.
Eagle-eyed Brits could grab up to 50% off on some of their favourite foods, with some retailers known to up the discount to as high as 90% off if the items remain unsold near to closing time.
Even if you can’t eat it all immediately, lots of produce is still perfectly edible beyond their best before date or suitable to be frozen for use at a later date.

11. Make your own lunch
Even seemingly good value meal deals can cost at least £3 a day; as a cheaper alternative, make sandwiches and snack at home or take last night’s leftovers to work.

12. Sell unused items
Post items that have never been opened or aren’t used regularly anymore onto popular resale apps, website or social media
One person’s junk is another person’s treasure, so you could be sitting on a small fortune; great items to consider include clothing, collectibles, entertainment items (such as DVDs, CDs and Vinyls) and technology or gadgets.

13. Consider going vegan
In addition to the ethical and moral considerations, meat and fish prices have risen significantly in recent years, so even adopting part-time veganism or vegetarianism – such as meat free Mondays – could benefit Brits’ bank balances, as well as their health.

14. Find online discounts
It’s simply sensible to seek out the best value for money, so wisely shop around online like you would in person by using voucher codes and exclusive offers from a site such as PromotionalCodes.org.uk.

15. Choose a staycation
Avoid expensive flights and other costs that could mount up, such as health insurance, data roaming charges and common tourist attractions, by holidaying at home – consider a caravan or camping if UK hotels are still out of budget.

16. Swap takeaways for self-made
Rather than shelling out shedloads of cash on takeaways, prepare some of your favourite international cuisines yourself at home with fresh ingredients.
This makes for a much cheaper meal, as well as healthier, more nutritious food and could even be a romantic gesture to your partner.

17. Entertain at home
A monthly movie night is a great family activity that will save significant cash over regular trips to the cinema.
For adult friends, invite them round to your house for drinks and nibbles instead of going to a pricey bar; household versions of karaoke or quizzes will keep the laughs rolling.

18. Prepare for shopping
Always go to the shops with reusable bags to swerve the rising surcharges, write a shopping list and stick to it to avoid purchasing unnecessary duplicate items and shrewdly research if the offers in-store are actually giving you a good deal or not.

19. Go Freeview
TV enthusiasts can get most of their favourite shows for free on Freeview, so it’s time for budgeting Brits to cut out the costs of cable.

20. Set savings goals
One of the best ways to save money is to visualise what you are saving for. If you need motivation, set savings targets along with a timeline to make it easier to reach your goals.

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