Edinburgh Association of Community Councils AGM

EACC Annual General Meeting –  Thursday 21st November 2019

The 2019 Annual General Meeting will take place on

Thursday 21st November 2019 at 7 pm.

Venue: European Room, City Chambers, Edinburgh EH1 1YJ

The Minutes of the 2018 AGM and provisional Agenda along with the accounts for 2018-19 can be downloaded on the website at EACC Documents. Nomination papers for Office Bearer positions are also available at the same URL in EACC Documents in two formats and can be scanned and emailed or posted to the Secretary.

Nominations for Office Bearer posts will close at 7pm on Thursday 19th November 2019.

Announcement of Candidates for Office Bearer posts will be made on Tuesday 19th November immediately after close of the nomination period.

Notice of AOCB items to the Secretary as soon as possible and at least 24 hrs prior to the meeting. It will be at the Chair’s discretion to discuss these items. We really want to hear from our representatives on issues they consider important to all Community Councils.

It is also important to ensure your nominated representative is correct.

Their names are on the Members list at http://www.edinburghcommunitycouncils.org.uk/members 

If this has changed please inform the Secretary at secretary@edinburghcommunitycouncils.org.ukas soon as possible.

Please RSVP to secretary@edinburghcommunitycouncils.org.uk

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