Paul Pogba missed a penalty and was subjected to racist abuse that alarmed especially those associated with football. His club has expressed “disgust” and said that it will continue to support the #AllRedAllEqual initiative. The club also stressed that it will take action against those involved. Pogba’s team mate Rashford has said that, ‘Enough is enough’.
Edinburgh and Lothian Regional Equality Council (ELREC) has worked with the law in dealing with racism. As Chair of ELREC, I can inform the public that the Board and staff are working to reduce racism. Racism in football is totally unacceptable because it encourages racism outside the stadium.
Foysol Choudhury MBE
Chair, Edinburgh & Lothians Regional Equality Council
14 Forth Street, Edinburgh EH1 3LH
(M) 07830 122 778
(T) 0131 556 0441 (F) 0131 556 8577
(E) foysol.choudhury@elrec.