Gone in sixty seconds: keeping your motorcycle safe

Motorcycles are attractive targets for thieves!

Don’t make it easy for them!

Taking some appropriate precautions will help you keep your motorcycle safe and secure:

  • Use a good quality chain & lock or a D-lock
  • Lock your bike to something solid whenever possible. Use a Ground Anchor or equivalent if available. Simply putting a chain & lock around the bike and not securing it to something else means that a thief can easily lift the bike, chain & lock and steal the whole lot in one go.

  • Leaving a chain lying on the floor leaves it open to numerous types of attack. Looping the chain through a higher part of the bike and onto a higher anchoring point makes it easier to keep the chain clear of the floor. Looping the chain through the frame is critical.

  • Park next to other bikes whenever possible. If you are riding with someone else, locking bikes together allows one bike to be a ground anchor for another.

  • Where possible park your bike in a well-lit area. If it’s at night, try and park under a streetlight.

  • If you have a security device, USE IT! Keep your keys with you at all times. If your bike has a steering lock, always put it on.

  • Whenever possible avoid leaving your helmet or other possessions with your bike.

  • If storing your bike in a shed or garage for an extended period, lock it to a ground anchor and consider removing one of the wheels to a separate location.

Remember, no prevention measure can ever be guaranteed to be totally infallible but by implementing the above advice, you will greatly reduce your chance of becoming a victim of crime.

If you see suspicious or criminal activity, please contact the police immediately with as detailed a description as possible of any person or vehicle involved. Call 999 in the case of an emergency or 101 to report the matter to the police, or report information anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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Edinburgh reporter and photographer