Climate Emergency: have your say

Have your say on how to tackle the Climate Emergency!

Thursday 25 April, 6 for 6.30 – 8.30pm, at City Chambers.

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On 7 February City of Edinburgh Council called for a report in preparation for declaring a Climate Emergency – following 42 other local authorities in Britain. Opportunities to suggest:

– How to make the changes?
– Who to involve in the transition to Carbon Neutral?
– What is a realistic timescale?

The emphasis of the second part of this event is collaboration between a range of stakeholders.


6.00pm Registration, refreshments, networking
6.30pm Welcome
6.50pm Clr Karen Doran, Vice Convener, CEC Env’t Ctee: Edinburgh’s Approach
7.10pm Discussion: What each sector offers / civil society expects
8.10pm Plenary, summary from table discussions
8.30pm Close

Discussion Table hosts from a wide range of sectors: Universities, Environment and Climate Change, Voluntary, NHS, Corporate and Business, Eco-Congregations, Unions 3E, City of Edinburgh Council.

Eight sector tables, with between 5 and 8 people at each table. Key points from the discussions will be reported back to the plenary.

This event brings together civil society, business interests, educators, financiers and hopefully members of the next generation … to mull over the enormous cultural and organisational changes called for to achieve a Just Transition to Carbon Neutrality … and fast!

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