A reminder from Granton & District Community Council

I am writing about three important topics below. PLEASE take a look carefully !

  1. Waterfront Master Plan Survey: The deadline is today (22 November 2018). It is very crucial survey. Future of the waterfront will be depending on it. We are very positive about this, because people’s voice is the most powerful weapon, it will definitely leads towards the change as everyone desire- if more people response. Only 24 hours left to raise your concern, it will only take 10 minutes. This is the right time and right place to raise your voice.Here is the survey link: https://bit.ly/2Djp6WC
  1. GDCC November Meeting: 26 Nov 2018, 7.00pm at Royston Wardieburn Community centre, 11 Pilton Drive North, Edinburgh EH5 1NF. Please find attached meeting agenda, minutes of the October meeting and AGM reports. All are available online as well.
  1. Granton Harbour Dredging: Marine Licence application

Two license applications have been lodged to the Marine Scotland. First – Granton harbour will be dredged to enable marina construction. The second license for engineering works; North Mole Extension, Inner Revetment and Quay Wall etc. In total 156564 wet tonnes of harbour sediments will be dredged and disposed. Please find attached public notice for more info.

A single EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) has been carried out for applications. All info & applications can be accessed via;http://www.marine.gov.scot/ml/edinburgh-marina-granton-harbour-redevelopment , which includes Non technical summary, Habitat Regulation Appraisal (HRA) and Marine Mammal Protection Plan etc.

Alternatively; documents are available for inspection, free of charge and on appointment, via Garry Freckleton on 07810 880603 at The Old Gunpowder Store, 21 Lochinver Drive, Edinburgh, EH5 1RY

Any representations/response on above applications should be made in writing to the consenting authority; to the Scottish Ministers by email to:ms.marinelicensing@gov.scot or by post to The Scottish Government, Marine Scotland Licensing Operations Team, Marine Laboratory, 375 Victoria Road, Aberdeen, AB11 9DB

Deadline:  9th December, 2018

Looking forward to see you at the next meeting on 26th Nov. Please note, it will be our last meeting of the year 2018. There will be no meeting in December.

Kind regards

Mizan Rahman

Secretary, Granton and District Community Council 

E-mail: secretary@grantoncc.scot | Tel: 07930 183352 | www.grantoncc.scot 

Like us: www.facebook.com/grantoncc | Follow us www.twitter.com/GrantonCC 

Agenda Nov 2018 GDCC

AGM 2018 Reports



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