A Christmas treat: Films from the Pilton Video archives with Joel Venet

Just before Christmas We will be holding a free Xmas special Screening which will be the second in a series of newly edited videos/films all made in Greater Pilton from the 1950’s right up to the present time from the Screen Education Edinburgh (Pilton Video) archives.

Celebrating Festivals : Muirhouse Festival Activities Centre (MFAC) & Pilton Central Association led the way in community-led Annual Summer Galas – all recorded by the local film crews from Pilton Video.

Also featuring the best of the Muirhouse Pantos & Local Dramas in the 80’s and 90’s, Reminiscence Projects in Pilton, local Rock Stars, and Activist Arts Events taking local issues into Edinburgh and beyond. Truly A Cast of Thousands!

Introduced by Joel Venet, Pilton Video
Screening Time: 1 Hour (approx.)

Wednesday 19th December 3.30 & 6.30pm
North Edinburgh Arts Theatre


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