Scottish SPCA rescues first grey seal pups of the season

The Scottish SPCA is currently caring for their first rescued grey seal pups of the season at their National Wildlife Centre in Fishcross.

Scotland’s animal welfare charity expects to care for over 100 grey seal pups of various ages over the course of the autumn and winter season. This year pups in the wildlife centre will carry Harry Potter themed names.

Centre Manager Colin Seddon said, “We received our first seal pups, Mad-Eye and Harry, on 2 November.

“Harry is around 3 to 4 weeks old and Mad-Eye is between 4 and 5 weeks.

“Harry was brought to us by the British Divers Marine Life Rescue team after he was found with several wounds and an infected flipper in Boddan, Aberdeenshire.

“Mad-Eye was found on Dunnet Beach in Thurso. As his name might suggest, he came to us with a collapsed eye which will have to be removed. We often do release seals with one eye, so we are hopeful Mad-Eye will still eventually enjoy a full life in the wild.”

Colin continued, “If you spot a pup with a white coat on a public beach, please contact our animal helpline as chances are, it is in trouble and needs our attention.

“Grey seal pups which no longer have a white coat may still need our assistance if they are on a public beach and at risk, or have visible signs of injury, such as bleeding, crusty or damaged eyes, discharge from the nose, coughing or generally looking unwell.

“The public should contact our animal helpline and an operator will be able to assist.

“If the seal pup is not at risk and looks and acts healthy it should be left alone.”

Anyone who discovers an injured or distressed wild animal should call the Scottish SPCA animal helpline on 03000 999 999.

To stay up to date on the seals brought in to the Scottish SPCA wildlife centre, follow #SSPCASealSquad on social media.

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