Teaching vacancies concern for Briggs

With school in Edinburgh having been back for the last two weeks, there are still a worryingly high number of teacher vacancies. Teaching posts for a range of subjects are still vacant, including head teaching posts.

The number of vacant teaching posts means that teachers will have to cover extra classes, on top of the ones they do already.

Currently there are 31 posts being advertised, including 3 head teacher positions.

This follows John Swinney during the summer saying that Scotland is facing “a very challenging period in education”.

Miles Briggs, Scottish Conservative Lothian MSP, said: “Edinburgh parents that I have spoken to would really have liked more to have been done to fill these positions before the start of term to minimise any disruption to classes.

“Hard working teachers are being asked to cover even more classes because SNP have proven again that they are not capable of managing workforces effectively.

“This will unfortunately have a knock on effect for pupils because of disruptions within schools and teachers being spread more thinly.”

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