Month: February 2018
‘Leading the change’: Greens take credit for council budget cuts reversal
More cash for councils as Greens make their presence felt at Holyrood
The City of Edinburgh Council will receive a significant increase in its funding to the tune of £12.4m after the Scottish Greens secured an agreement for the government to amend the 2018-19 budget. The Greens’ agreement will see £170m more for local council services throughout Scotland, a reversal of all of the £157m of local government cuts proposed by the SNP. Continue reading ‘Leading the change’: Greens take credit for council budget cuts reversal
A budget of compromise and consensus: ‘credit where it is due’?
NHS, the economy and the low paid to benefit, says Scottish Government
COSLA welcomes recognition of local government concerns Continue reading A budget of compromise and consensus: ‘credit where it is due’?