Awards for All support for Spartans Connections

£677,000 National Lottery boost helps bring community plans to life

An island community with big plans to transform phone boxes into vibrant tourist hubs is among a hundred groups across Scotland today sharing in £677,936 of National Lottery good cause cash today. Local project Spartans Connections (above) is also among the winners, netting £5000 to develop their programme for adults with physical disabilities, learning difficulties and mental health challenges.

 The funding comes from National Lottery Awards for All Scotland which makes grants from £300 to £10,000 with funds raised by the National Lottery. Other city-based projects to receive support are Missing People Ltd, Scottish Womens Aid, the Children’s Parliament and Coeliac UK. 

Thanks to an award of £8,960, Lismore Community Trust will transform two phone boxes on each end of the island into information kiosks.

Sebastian Tombs, Chair, Lismore Community Trust, said, “Transforming our two red telephone kiosks into welcoming information hubs at the arrival points on the island will be a real boost for us.  Visitors will have all they need to make the most of their stay whether it’s maps to guide them to areas of interest, places to stay, where to get refreshment or find out what events are happening.  We will also use them to display local produce and craftwork.

“These kiosks will be a natural extension of the islanders’ traditional warm welcome and will help to increase the island’s overall economy.  The hubs will be celebrations of Lismore’s ingenuity, imagination and information; all in one phone box.”

In Falkirk, exciting plans are also afoot as the Communities Along the Carron Association picks up £10,000 to buy two tricycle rickshaws that will get people in local care homes out and about enjoying cycle rides.

Christine Bell, Project Co-ordinator, Communities Along the Carron Association, said, “We were absolutely delighted to be awarded this money which will help build our fleet of trishaws for our “Cycling Without Age Falkirk” project.  The trishaws will visit local care homes on a daily basis ridden by volunteers who take elderly people out to enjoy fresh air, get the wind in their hair and enjoy a sense of fun and freedom.”

A National Lottery Awards for All spokesperson said: “This funding will help a range of arts, sports and community groups from across Scotland to bring their projects ideas to life. If you, and your local community group, would like to join them in celebrating a National Lottery award, you can find out how to apply by visiting

National Lottery Awards for All Scotland is now more straightforward to apply to and faster to get funding from. Applications are received on a rolling basis and can be received at any time. To find out what National Lottery Awards for All Scotland could do for your community visit website  or phone 0300 123 7110

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