Perk up your liver!

coffee cup

The UK has seen a staggering 400% increase in liver disease in the past 50 years. Perk Up Your Liver is encouraging everyone to have a coffee break (with or without cake!) to raise awareness and funds to help the British Liver Trust combat this deadly disease. The campaign runs nationwide from 30 October – 5 November.

 Join the British Liver Trust by having a coffee break with friends, colleagues or family to raise money and help the fight against liver disease. Alternatively, simply donate the cost of your normal coffee for a week – this could help at least two people to contact the British Liver Trust helpline, which for some people is priceless.

Regularly drinking moderate amounts of coffee has been shown to help prevent liver cancer and in some cases slow the progression of liver disease – however you drink it; filtered, instant or espresso.

Vanessa Hebditch, Director, British Liver Trust said “Perk Up Your Liver can benefit you and others in more ways than one; you will have the healthy effect of coffee on your liver and your donations will help us to support everyone concerned with liver disease.”

For more information on where to send your donations and to download a coffee break pack follow this link.

 See the full report on coffee:  British Liver Trust Coffee Report:  and support on Facebook and Twitter #perkupyourliver @livertrust.

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