West Pilton West Granton Community Council meets tomorrow

West Pilton West Granton Community Council hold their first meeting of 2017




  • Welcome and introductions
  • Attendance and apologies
  • Minutes and Matters Arising
  • Correspondence
  • Police Report
  • Locality Report – named council representative, George Norval’s team.
  • Forthquarter Park update.
  • MSP’s MP’s Councillors’ Update
  • Chair’s report
  • Finance report
  • AOCB
  • Date of Next Meeting.

See below for Minutes of Last Meeting

wpwgcc minutes 6th December 16

Working together: Holyrood and Westminster committees to talk social security

The successful delivery of the devolution of social security is to be investigated by two parliamentary committees. For the first time a Holyrood Committee and a Westminster Committee will work together to look at the relationship between the Scottish and UK Governments and investigate if it is working effectively. Continue reading Working together: Holyrood and Westminster committees to talk social security

Awareness raising campaign to follow World Cancer Day

Health Secretary Shona Robison has marked World Cancer Day today by reflecting on the strides made in Scotland over the past year to help bring cancer down to size. Ms Robison highlighted recent positive developments made across Scotland – and underlined the government’s continued focus on turning Scotland’s Big C into the ‘wee c’ through awareness and action. Continue reading Awareness raising campaign to follow World Cancer Day

Edinburgh Womens Aid to run Mellow Parenting course

Edinburgh Womens Aid will be running a  mellow  parenting programme beginning 24th April. The programme will run for 8 weeks in Link Up at St Margaret’s House at Meadowbank.

Criteria: Woman that have experienced Domestic abuse with preschool age children and in need of additional support in parenting. A crèche will be available.

Referrals should be made to Isabella Balloch, please complete referral attached and  return via  email by Friday 17 February. Call  0131 315 8116 or email IsabellaBalloch@edinwomensaid.co.uk

Joan is Edinburgh’s Scambassador!

The City of Edinburgh Council has stepped up its fight against scams by joining forces with the Friends Against Scams campaign. The Council is the first organisation in Scotland to make the Friends Against Scams pledge to change perceptions and raise awareness of scams amongst staff and the wider community. Continue reading Joan is Edinburgh’s Scambassador!

‘Shared Vision – Your Decision’: Creative Islam seeks your support

Please vote for Creative Islam! – a project from the local libraries as part of Living in Harmony!


Police Scotland, the City of Edinburgh Council and The Scottish Government have made a total of £40,000 available as part of their ongoing commitment to addressing Islamophobia across Edinburgh.

Shared Vision – Your Decision’ is an Edinburgh based initiative which enables local people to decide how public money is spent in eradicating Islamophobia and associated prejudice behaviour.

We understand that Islamophobic behaviour also effects other faith communities and have included projects which also work with these communities.

This type of funding allocation is known as Participatory Budgeting (see below).

Between 10 November and 12 December individuals and groups submitted applications to receive up to £5,000 worth of funding. Potential projects have been selected – and now it’s up to YOU! Voting opened on 28 January and will close on Monday 13 February.

Find out more about ‘Shared Vision – Your Decision’ by reading the information booklet (below)


Four Edinburgh restaurants in UK’s Top 100

Four Edinburgh restaurants – two of which are based in Leith – feature prominently in The Sunday Times guide to the Top 100 places to eat in the UK. The influential restaurant guide, which will be published on Sunday, is judged by a panel which icludes top chefs Jamie Oliver, Antonio Carluccio and Nick Jones.

The four Edinburgh restaurants – half of only eight Scottish eateries to feature – to make it into the elite list are Norn, The Gardener’s Cottage, Ondine and Tom Kitchin’s multi-award winning Michelin-starred The Kitchin at Leith’s Commercial Quay.

Norn, on Leith’s Henderson Street (above), is described as a restaurant ‘in the finest tradition of Scottish cooking’, while Ondine on George IV Bridge (below)  earns praised as a ‘first-class fish restaurant with the friendliest Scottish service’.

STV Appeal support for Youth Vision’s Back on Track

Community project, Back on Track, by charity Youth Vision in Edinburgh, has received £1,000 from the STV Children’s Appeal, boosting support for the local project.

Youth Vision works with children and young people from South West Edinburgh, offering a range of nature based informal education services that aim to develop confidence and self-esteem to support a healthy transition to adulthood. Back on Track is a support and learning programme for young people aged 14-16 who are not attaining in school, attending education, or engaged in employment. The programme provides a range of nature based activities and life skills that aim to support the personal and social development of young people and improve their physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. The programme also includes an element of family support and community days meaning parents or carers are directly involved with the programme.

Claudia Goncalves, co-founder and chairperson of Youth Vision, said: “On behalf of the young people who benefit from our services I would like to thank the STV Children’s Appeal. The £1,000 we received will support young people aged 14 to 16 who really need our charity’s guidance and support to get back on track.”

Since launching in 2011, the STV Children’s Appeal has raised over £13.7 million, with 722 big and small grants distributed to projects across all 32 local authority areas in Scotland, providing much needed support to over 62,000 children. The money raised is distributed to provide practical help like food and warm clothes; create opportunities for training and employability; and enable social and emotional support for those who need it most.

Rob Woodward, STV CEO and trustee of the STV Children’s Appeal, said: “The STV Children’s Appeal was established to help improve the quality of life of vulnerable children and young people across Scotland. We are extremely grateful to everyone that has fundraised and donated to this year’s STV Children’s Appeal. All proceeds remain in Scotland which means we can support vital projects such as Back on Track in our efforts to improve the lives of children across the community. A special thanks to everyone for their ongoing support and acts of generosity for such an important cause.”

Sir Tom Hunter, trustee of the STV Children’s Appeal, said: “It’s charities like Youth Vision that can make the world of a difference to those young people most in need. From the bottom of my heart I thank everyone who raised money for the STV Children’s Appeal and can again confirm to every last one of you that every pound you gave is being invested in charities like Youth Vision to the benefit of Scotland’s young people. You raise a pound we give a pound, simple.”

Sir Ian Wood, trustee of the STV Children’s Appeal, said: “It remains deeply concerning that child poverty continues to impact so many lives across our country with over 200,000 children and young people in Scotland now affected.  As a consequence the work carried out by the STV Children’s Appeal in providing support, help and opportunities for those who most need it has become even more significant.  Such a divide between the have and have-nots on our own doorstep is totally unacceptable.  However I am always heartened by the support and generosity of the people across Scotland who enable The STV Children’s Appeal to carry out such vital work.  We all must play our part, no matter how large or small, in reducing these shocking statistics.”

Lorraine Kelly, presenter and STV Children’s Appeal trustee, has announced the STV Children’s Appeal 2016 has raised £2,568,369 for children and young people living in poverty in Scotland, with an exciting line-up of fundraising activities planned for 2017.

If you’re an individual or group that would like to help raise funds for children and young people living in poverty in Scotland with the STV Children’s Appeal, please get in touch with Natalie Wright at natalie.wright@stv.tv.

Putting money where it’s needed: Pupil Equity Fund aims to close attainment gap

Children’s lives will be transformed by the Scottish Government’s new £120 million Pupil Equity Funding scheme, Deputy First Minister John Swinney has been told by head teachers. At an event in Edinburgh yesterday, Mr Swinney heard how schools are planning to spend their share of the funding which is aimed at closing the poverty-related attainment gap. Continue reading Putting money where it’s needed: Pupil Equity Fund aims to close attainment gap