East meets West as Shenzen mayor meets Lord Provost

Shenzhen Edinburgh Event, Ctreative Scotland offices, Waverleygate, Edinburgh, 07/09/2016: Photography for the City of Edinburgh Council from:  Colin Hattersley Photography - colinhattersley@btinternet.com - www.colinhattersley.com - 07974 957 388

Creative business links between China and Edinburgh were strengthened yesterday during a visit by Shenzhen Mayor Mr XU Qin.

The Mayor’s visit to Edinburgh marks the one year anniversary of the Shenzhen Creative Industries Project at the Creative Exchange, which enhances investment, growth and new market opportunities in both cities.

Mayor Mr XU Qin received a tour of the Creative Exchange incubator space before visiting Creative Scotland at Waverley Gate, where he was welcomed by Confucius School pupils from Leith Academy. The visit marked new partnerships between Informatics Ventures at the University of Edinburgh and the Shenzhen Creative Investment Group which promote collaboration in the Edinburgh and Shenzhen tech sectors.

Edinburgh’s Lord Provost, Donald Wilson said: “Welcoming Mayor XU Qin has provided an excellent opportunity for us to showcase all that the Scottish Capital has to offer and to enhance business and cultural relations with Shenzhen.

“The visit marks the first anniversary of the Creative Exchange Incubator space which is already supporting local companies and Chinese businesses looking to expand in Edinburgh.”

The Mayor was also met by Councillor Gavin Barrie, Convener of the Economy Committee. Cllr Barrie added: “Shenzhen is home to many of the same sectors as Edinburgh and the cities have great potential in the creative, design and technology industries.

“The Edinburgh-Shenzhen Creative Exchange is based on encouraging and supporting investment and opportunities for both cities and is already shaping into a promising partnership. The city’s new venture with the University of Edinburgh will further strengthen our links to Shenzhen and showcase Edinburgh tech companies in China.”

The visit has allowed the Mayor to meet with companies working in the creative and technology sectors, including firms which have been exploring business opportunities in Shenzhen, helping to promote Edinburgh as an international creative centre and support interest in the growth of local businesses into Chinese markets.


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