Cold call crackdown success

cold call

Special zones which help ‘stamp out doorstep crime’ have been hailed a success as the city passes the 100 mark of ‘No Cold Calling Zones’ (NCCZ).

Following a successful Trading Standards campaign during the summer, supported by Police Scotland, all City of Edinburgh Council Sheltered Housing complexes have been designated NCCZ’s and a number of other zones have also been established.

A No Cold Calling Zone is an area in which a majority of residents have stated that they do not want traders to call at their homes without being invited. These areas help local residents to have the confidence to say “NO” to uninvited salespeople and to warn rogue traders and cold-callers that they are not welcome.

Community Safety Leader Councillor Cammy Day visited one of the most recently set up zones in Barnton. He said: “I’m delighted at the response from our residents working with the Trading Standards team to protect vulnerable neighbours by forming No Cold Calling Zones. The feedback from existing zones indicated that 92% of residents have noticed a drop in cold callers, and a satisfaction rate of 100%.

“Cold callers can often be a precursor to doorstep crime incidents, and the formation of these zones encourages neighbours to be aware and gives them the confidence to challenge traders calling within a zone. Traders identified as calling within a zone will be dealt with robustly by our Trading Standards team.”

Street signs have been installed in the area and residents can be provided with stickers to display on their front doors. A stencil was sprayed on the pavement of the street to make callers aware that the area is a ‘No Cold Calling Zone’ and that the residents will not deal with them.

Inspector David Happs, Police Scotland Prevention, Intervention and Partnership Department said: “The creation of these ‘No Cold Calling Zones’ right across Edinburgh illustrates the willingness of local communities to work in partnership with Police Scotland, Trading Standards and others to stamp out doorstep crime. It is a crime that can affect anyone and we want to equip our community in how to keep cold callers out of their homes and protect themselves against doorstep crime. Those responsible, like bogus callers and rogue traders, are often extremely convincing in how they approach and interact with potential victims. ‘No Cold Calling Zones’ really sends out a strong message that these criminals are not welcome in Edinburgh.

“Police Scotland is committed to continuing to work with our partners to tackle this unscrupulous crime and urge you to report it. Please report any suspicious activity to Police on 101, or your local Trading Standards Department. If the person refuses to leave your door, or you feel threatened or scared – call 999 and ask for the Police.”

If you would like to find out more about setting up a No Cold Calling Zone on your street, ContactEdinburgh’s Trading Standards team on 0131 529 3030 or email for more information.

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