Exam results: help and advice available

Free helpline for students expecting SQA results today


A free helpline offering advice, information and support for young people and their parents has opened, ahead of today’s SQA results. Skills Development Scotland (SDS) has a free helpline which will be open from 8am to 8pm today and tomorrow and then from 9am to 5pm until 17 August.

The number to call is 0808 100 8000.

Visiting the Skills Development Scotland Contact centre in Glasgow yesterday, Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Education, John Swinney met with qualified careers advisers who will handle calls from students and their parents.

The advisers have unique access to information on UCAS course vacancies at UK colleges and universities, confirmation and clearing, advice about modern or foundation apprenticeships, employment or volunteering.

Mr Swinney said: “Receiving results can be a daunting and nerve-wracking time and I think it is important that we recognise this and make sure all of the students who will receive results tomorrow are supported with advice and guidance to make the best possible choices going forward.

“The careers advisers who I have met here today, will handle calls and queries directly from students and their parents, they are fully qualified and experienced in providing the best possible advice about options going forward.

“If you get the results you are looking for, then that is obviously fantastic. However, if students do not get what they need this time round, then be assured that there are a huge number of things you can consider and there is support available to help you get where you want to be.

“Whatever the outcome, results tomorrow will be a beginning, rather than an end point and if you are not sure or are looking for some advice then please do use this free helpline.

“I would like to take this opportunity to wish all students the very best of luck for results day!”


SDS Operations Director Danny Logue said: “Some people might not get the results they hoped for or may have done better than they anticipated. It is vital that young people and their parents don’t panic. The Helpline is there to give support and information about all the different options young people can consider.”

National Parent Forum of Scotland Chair Joanna Murphy said: “I know from my own experiences that the SDS Exam Results Helpline is a real lifeline. It offers young people the chance to talk to someone who is impartial, which helps you to step back and take stock.

“One of my daughters didn’t do as well as expected in her fifth year and was devastated, but after talking to the careers advisers at the Helpline she realised she had so many options available to her. It takes some of the heat out of the emotion of the day and reminds young people no matter the results, there is always a next step.”

Good luck to all students receiving their exam results this morning!

The HELPLINE number again: 0808 100 8000.

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